Chapter 12, The brother's and Sennen...

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*No one's POV*

Yami sighed crawling out his bed. He has started to enjoy being at school more now considering Yugi is there and it's easy to talk to him.

He walked down the halls to Takashi's room, only to open the door and see his little brother.

Wearing a black uniform...with a gun in his pocket...

"Woah what you trying to do? Pretend to be us, I love it," Yami said hoping with all his might it was a joke. "Please tell me that that gun is just a toy."

"No, it's the real thing. Father is sending me out with Takashi on something small. I get to watch the camares!" Heba yelled and Yami shook his head. His father is ignoring his mother's wishes.

He was furious, his brother had not been tainted by anything with what they do, because when they come in from a mission covered in blood they have a changing room right next to the main door. 

"Heba why don't you just put the gun away then? You won't need a gun while watching camara's," Yami said wanting his brother not to touch those things. 

"No, father says I need to learn how to use them," Heba said and walked out the room. Yami trailed behind and watched as his younger brother walk into their father's room with a smile. "Wish me luck!"

He walked in and closed the door, much to Yami not wanting him to go in. Yami also knew since Takashi is now back out he doesn't have a ride so he would have to walk to school, which gives him some time to think. 

Yami walked past Marik's room and heard something, someone was moaning. He really didn't want to look in, but curiosity was killing him. He caved, looking in and saw what he didn't expect to see.

Marik was fucking someone, and not just anyone. Someone that looked exactly like him was sweating under him and creating scratch marks on his arms. "Dude what the hell!?!" Yami yelled and Marik looked up, seeing who it was and smiled at him. "What age is he!?! Does Bakura know!?!"

"Alright first, he is of age and two, why the hell does he need to who I fuck?" Marik asked and rolled off who was under him, covering him up with the covers. "Beside why are you freaking out, you'll probably be the next one to fuck someone in here."

"You're not right in the head," Yami said as he walked out the room, closing the door and regretting that he had walked in.

He started to make his way to school and was happy the sun was out, at least he wouldn't be wet when he got to the school. While on his way, something caught his eyes. It was Bakura, but he looked slightly different. He didn't know if he had taken something this morning, seeing double of the idiots.

Without worrying too much more, Yami reached the school and felt somewhat of a relief being in that building. He just wanted to bleach his mind from what he had saw this morning. He felt even better when he saw Yugi walking in. Now he knew before, he had no interest in Yugi, and shouldn't now because his father wants him to bring in Yugi.

But there's a pull in Yami's heart that stops him from being harsh to him, there's a pull that doesn't want to hurt him. There's a pull....that wants to protect him.

The only person Yami has ever felt about like this was his own little brother. And he was determined to discover more what of this feeling was. So with a small plan in mind, he walked with power in him and was about to grab Yugi's hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" someone growled and Yami's collar was dragged back. Atem was standing behind Yami and was staring daggers into Yami's skull as he tried to approach his brother. "Who gave you the fucking ri-"

"Atem just stop it!!" Yugi yelled as he slapped Atem's hand off of him. "Yami is not gonna hurt me and probably just wants to talk!!! Yami, what's up?"

Yami was taken back, the change in Yugi's change in voice when speaking to his brother to speaking to him. He knew in order to actually spend time with Yugi he would have to win over the older brother. Which wasn't going to be easy.

"I want to talk to both of you please, up on the roof," Yami said and Atem scoffed.

"Like hell we're gonna go up there. You have the chance to kill us which I ain't giving you the chance," Atem growled and pulled his brother to him. "If we're talking, it's on my terms. We go to the vending machine on the second floor."

Yami nodded his head to the agreement, because it was away from anyone seeing them. They headed up and Atem made sure he was in between Yami and Yugi. People gave them weird stares, as to why the Muto's were with a Sennen.

A silent walk later and they reached the machine, which had a small group but they left as soon as they saw Yami's face behind the brother's. Atem sat in the corner and made sure Yugi was beside him so Yami was on the other side. "You have our ears."

"Ok I know I have already explained to Yugi, but I am not out to hurt you guys," Yami began and Atem just rolled his eyes. "My family may have a bad name, I may be a bad person, but that doesn't mean I listen to everything my father tells me to do.

"In fact, what I'm doing right now could result in me getting killed if anyone found out that I was talking to you two, doesn't that say right there that I mean no harm?"

"He's right Atem, remember Yami saved me before and has been helping me. He's not a bad guy," Yugi said grabbing his older brother's hand under the desk. "It's not fair to try and keep him away."

Atem looked between the two, his face full of emotions. 

"How do I know I can trust you Sennen?" Atem asked and Yami reached into his pocket. If he is telling them everything, then he might as well show them what he always carries he thought. He showed them a gun and Atem shot up. "What the hell are you-!"

"I have been tasked...with kidnapping Yugi," Yami said and looked at his friend. Who didn't look afraid of him. "But I refuse to, Yugi's my friend and I will not listen to my father. I will do anything within my power and this gun, to protect Yugi and make sure no one from my family goes near him. I wish for you to allow me to be around Yugi freely. Without you watching over."

This scene, was almost like a man asking his partner's parent for permission to marry them. But Yami wasn't going to sneak around with Yugi,  Atem had to know sooner rather than later that the two were hanging out. 

"Fine, you want a answer from me..." Atem said and took a deep breath. "What I'm gonna do is...

And cliffhanger cause why not!!!! Sorry ya'll!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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