Chapter 9, Atem's return...

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*No's one POV*
"Alpha one fall in! We can't let him get away with this!" Someone screamed down the headset near enough deafening everyone.

The young man, looking much like of an older twin to his brother ran across the beam and aimed his gun

"With my handy work. He won't," the man mumbled and pulled the trigger blasting a hole in his head. The body collapsed onto the ground and the young man sighed. "Mission cleared."

"Great job Atem, I knew I can count on you. Now return back to base, the police and the clean up crew are on  their way," the man said through the headset and cut it off.

Atem walked back the way he came, jumping off the beam and onto the floor meeting his partner.

"Someone is happy," Atem's partner said and cracked his neck. "You don't normally walk with a skip."

"It is because, my dear Kaito , I return home today," Atem said as he wiped the sweat from his head. "Honestly it's been too long."

"3 years now?"

"Yep, my little brother shouldn't be so little anymore," Atem said thinking of the size Yugi should be. Maybe, he thought, he would be taller than him?

The two existed the building and jumped into the their van, all the guys removing their shirts when they had the chance.

While driving, something caught Atem's eye, the oldest in that damned gang. He wanted so badly to shoot him now, end what they have done and save the lives of many people. But he couldn't because he was out in the open.

Atem sighed, watching as the person walked into a shop and in safe hands. "Was that Sennen just now?" Kaito said and looked out. He saw an empty street and looked at Atem with a questionable face. "You've lost your marbles dude."

"Shut your hole," Atem said and punched Kaito. The sun had just begun to set on the winter night, Atem placed his jacket on his sleeping partner as he realized he was shaking.

Atem hates the Sennen's, and swore that he would rise and clear his name, saving the city from their clutches.

"Fucking Sennens'," Atem mumbled before his phone rang. He saw the number and sighed in relief. "Hey pops, what's up?"

"What time are you due back?" Atem's father asked and Atem laughed. No, how are you, how have things been or even to see how much he has improved.

"I don't know, roads are quiet for a change so probably 3 hours?" Atem said and his father was silent on the other end. "Is something wrong?"

"I may need you to be in school with Yugi," Atem heard and tried to stop himself from laughing and waking up his partner. "I'm serious."

"Yeah not happening. I am and look too old to go back to hell. Why do you need me there? Schools are like the-"

"Sennen is there."

That was enough for Atem to shut up.

"I know his father knows Yugi is in that school, I also am willing to bet he is already targeting Yugi."

"So why not just withdraw Yugi from the school?" Atem asked not liking the sound of his father's attitude.

"And let them win? Drive me out of my town? I don't think so," his father said and Atem was ready to blow. "Having you there will be enough."

"Why are they even after Yugi?" Atem asked but heard a beep from the other side. His father hung up the phone in a matter of seconds and Atem threw his phone to the back of the van.

Since he wasn't looking where he threw it, it landed right on Kaito's head waking him instantly. "Ok what the hell dude!?!?" Kaito yelled as he dived at Atem.

The driver just sighed but smiled as the boys wrestled in the back, acting half their age.

Soon enough though, they fell asleep in each others arms with Kaito's head tucked into Atem's neck.


"Guys wake up, we're home," the driver said and patted them on the shoulder. Kaito was the first to stir and looked up seeing where he was. He smiled and pulled himself closer to Atem.

"Get any closer to me and we'll be related," Atem said and Kaito had a freak out. He punched his partner and moved away watching him struggle to get up. "Oi! What was that for?"

"Scaring me, now get up," Kaito said and climbed out to avoid any other embarrassment. Atem soon followed and they went to their bosses room.

Atem, of course was the one to knock and walk in, a smiling man met them and walked over to them bringing them in for a hug.

"Mission complete sir," Atem said and patted the man on the shoulder.

"I don't care if it's complete or not, what matters is you two right here and now in front of me," the boss said and hugged them tighter. "Now hug me."

"'re suffocating me...." Kaito mumbled and the man named Odion laughed and let them go. "Can we go sleep now? I wanna cuddle with Atem."

"You can, I wanna speak to Atem by myself," Odion said and although Kaito pouted, he left the room waving at Atem and winking at him. "Honestly, that boy is such a flirt. How is he still single?"

Atem shook his head as he leaned against the wall to hear what was to be said to him.

"Anydoodle, what I wanted to talk about was the Sennens," he said and Atem was ready to jump him. "It's about an event a while ago that happened. Something your father never told you."

"What, is there some secret brother? Oh oh wait, the oldest stopped killing? Oooohhh wait I got! He saved someone's life!?!" Atem laughed out and held his stomach.

Odion had a straight face.

"Well, two of those are right," he said and Atem stopped.

"You have to be kidding. No way has he stopped killing, it is literally in his blood," Atem said and kicked himself off the wall. 

"Nope, he has a little brother and he saved someone. Someone who is very dear to you," Odion said and pulled up his phone which was sitting on a conversation. "Yugi."

Atem had no words now, a Sennen had saved his little brother's life. But no matter what anyone would tell him...

 Atem knew anyone that had the Sennen name was a horrible human being.

So Atem is entering the game, but with his strong hate towards the Sennen family what will he do to help his brother? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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