Chapter 24, A close shave

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*No one's POV*

The day was going by slow, a different atmosphere was in the air. Yami was still nervous from what happened earlier with Yugi, Heba feeling off beside Atem as he kept placing his hand on his thigh and saying sorry all the time.

While Takashi was sitting there annoyed at all the gays in the room and how in-denial they were. The only one who seemed slightly alright would be Yugi. 

The t.v was the only thing making sound which made it too awkward.

"Alright have you boys forgotten to talk!?!" Takashi screamed and threw his arms up in the air. "For teenagers you guys are far too quiet."

"Well two of us are killers so we don't talk. Meanwhile I have no clue with the two normal people," Heba said and folded his arms smacking away Atem. "And what contract says we have to be speaking all the time? Can't we just sit in silence?"

Takashi sighed as he sat down eyeing the four. He was trying to think of a way he could get them all out, talking and getting along. Then he thought of something, maybe a trip to a park would be good.

He got out his phone and looked to see if anything was nearby and open, also something that would not throw them around as they all had hang-overs. 

"Alright, everyone, get your shoes and jackets on. We're going out," Takashi happy with what he had found. 

Heba rolled his eyes and sunk into the seat to try and hide from him. 

"Where are we going?" Yugi asked getting up to put his shoes on. Yami didn't find it too clever for them all to be grouped together, so he grabbed Yugi's wrist and pulled him down back onto his seat.

"A theme park. It's full of horror attractions so you two will fit right in!" Takashi yelled looking at the Sennen brothers.

"I don't like it, the risk is too much for us all to be caught," he said and ended up getting up and tossing Yugi over his shoulders. "Sorry but count us out."

"B-But I wanna go!"

Yugi was thrashing around on Yami's shoulder as he tried to stop him from moving the both of them.

Takashi got in front of them and stopped them from going any further. "Nope, all of us are going out. So you can take him upstairs and get changed, and if you don't come down I'm coming in. Whenever you're butt naked or dressed," Takashi said and Yami pulled his tongue while walking up. 

His plan was working, he knew Yami would pretty much do anything for Yugi. 

So, in fifteenth minutes both of them came down the stairs changed with Yami wearing an annoyed expression. Takashi clapped his hands together as he hurried the boys out the room and into a car. It's wasn't hard to spot the pissed off face both of the Sennen brothers had. 

"Smile before the crack on your faces freeze there," Takashi said as he looked into the rear mirror. Yami was sitting in the back in between Yugi and Heba while Atem was in front on his phone. "This will be fun, trust me you'll all have a smile on your faces."

"Yeah when the day ends," Heba whispered to which he got hit in the side by his older brother.

The rest of the ride consisted of Yami and Heba almost breaking into a fight, threatening to pull a gun on the other while Yugi tried to calm them down. Takashi had small talk with Atem, making a plan to try and get the two younger ones to get along more.

They wanted to leave them alone somewhere and see how much time they could keep Yami away. They concluded there was 40% chance of him killing them both for what they wanted to do, but in their heads it was the best way to try and make the house slightly more stand able to live in. 

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