Chapter 18, Settle in...

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*No one's POV*

Yami threw his final bag into the car and shut the back of the car. Heba was still knocked out cold and Takashi just made the excuse he went for a nap and already knew of this arrangement.

"Son I know you will do well, you will come back soon with news saying you did a good job," Yami's father said as he patted Yami on his shoulder once and sped away. All the people started to return back into the mansion but two remiend.

Bakura and Marik.

"So what WORDS OF WISDOM do you two have for me eh?" Yami asked as he folded his arms. But he wasn't met with the normal snarky remarks he usually would have gotten, Marik walked up to him and hugged him.

"Take care of you and your brother. He may have lost some of his purity but there's a chance for him to avoid all this," Marik said and Yami smiled for the first time at him. Yami was about to pull away but Marik grabbed his wrist and brought him in. "Oh and little word of warning, if your white lie is caught. We will be sent to sort out your doing. Be careful kid."

Marik let go of Yami and walked back over to Bakura who was just looking at the ground. With a nudge from Marik, he walked forward and just looked at Yami in the eyes.

"If you think I'm gonna fucking hug you get your mind out the gutter," he growled but that left Yami laughing. Bakura gave him a piece of paper and before Yami could open it Bakura began to speak. "My number. If your in a struggle or rangle gives us a shout. What happens between us won't go to your snake of a father."

Yami was shocked, he was sure these two hated him for when he was growing up. So to hear them are willing to help him, really makes the weight on his shoulders go light. Himself and Takashi got into the car and drove off, both of them smiling away.

Yami thought it was a great moment, but the sound of sniffling beside him brought himself into the real world. "Takashi? What's wrong?" Yami asked and placed a hand on his thigh.

Takshi parked the car on the side and brought Yami into a hug bursting out in tears.

"Fuck...Fuck we're free. We're away from that monster Yami..." Takashi burst out and Yami just sat there. How does one comfort a crying human Yami thought. With Yugi it was on instinct and he couldn't help himself to bring him into a hug. But with Takashi it's weird. "I have never been so happy in my life Yami. You will never have another bruise on you again."

"Dude come on and stop crying, you look like a whale," Yami said and patted Takashi's back. A noise came from the back seat and they both turned. Heba looked around and saw where he was, reaching for his phone to see it's not there. 

"This is kidnapping," Heba moaned and folded his arms. "Once I tell dad what you've done Yami you're gonna get-"

"If you still want to speak you'll shut your mouth right now Hebab before you speak another word and I cut out your tongue," Yami growled and his brother ducked his head. As fearless as Heba was, he was shit scared of his brother and what he can do. He's seen on the screens what he can do, and does not want to be in his bad books.


 Even though Heba was not happy at all, he still talked to Takashi about how he could improve at Yugi's' with his gun skills despite Takashi saying he will never have to hold a gun again.

About thirty minutes later they got to the house and Yugi was standing at the door because he got word of what Yami was doing. When he saw Yami step out the car he bolted to him and dived into his arms trying to fight back tears. 

"You two are actual idiots, coming to live with me? Atem will kill you," Yugi let out and gripped the back of Yami's shirt. Yami didn't hug Takashi for some reason, but without thinking he hugged Yugi right back.

"Oi you two gay fucks! Get off the street!!" Heba yelled and Takashi smacked his head. Yugi finally looked behind him. He looked up at Yami and he mouthed 'brother' and Yugi nodded his head. 

The three started to unload the car, with Heba death glaring Yugi any chance he could. Once all the stuff was in the house Yugi showed where they could be. Takashi and Heba would share a room while Yami was in with him. 

"My father now is getting overloaded with work so he'll never be home, like at all," Yugi explained as him and Yami were sitting in the living room. Yami asked Yugi if he could cut the phone line here just in case Heba tried to rat out on them. 

"Nice, we need to explain to Atem now don't we?" Yami asked and as if it was on cue the front door opened. Both of the boys stood up and their attention was on the door. The older Muto showed his head through the door and his face was riddled with confusion. 

Yugi managed to sit him down and explain everything before he exploded.

"So you're saying we have not only one, but two Sennen's and a frickin assassin living with us now? Great, I feel so safe now," Atem said and rolled his eyes. "So I guess we will have people knocking at our door soon? Better get the house covered in turrets." 

"That won't happen," Takashi said as he came down the stairs. "From what I've seen the camares cover most of the house. And with my knowledge I can upgrade it so we can carry a beeper that goes off when someone is near."

"Your the other person? So where is the younger version of him?" Atem asked and pointed at Yami. 

"Upstairs, he's still pissed off so he refuses to come down so you won't see him for a while." Takashi said and went to the kitchen with Yami trailing behind him. Atem let out a sigh as he joined his brother on the couch.

Yugi could feel his brother was ticked off, but chose not to be the one who broke the ice.

"I guess this is alright, I can keep an eye on them. But the thought of having two Sennen's in my house makes me want to be sick," Atem said an put a arm behind Yugi. "I'm nervous though, these guys kill people Yugi. Can you really trust him?"

"Atem he has saved my life on multiple occasions. I trust him with my life," Yugi said and cuddled up to his brother. "Please trust him. If not, trust in my trust in him."

EShh, Heba doesn't like this arrangement at all. But luckily Atem is slightly more accepting. How will the brothers all accept each other? And will Takashi be able to keep things at peace?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Also Merry Christmas guys, no Christmas special but you'll be hit with at least three chapters.

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