Chapter 8, Yami's Mission...

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*No one's POV*

They sat in silence as the next bell went for the classes to begin. But that wasn't important to Yami right now, what was important was to get Yugi to the nurse's office in the school without getting caught. He left Yugi for one minute, looking outside the halls and saw it was abandoned by students.

He returned to Yugi and crouched to him. "Can you move?" Yami asked softly. Yugi nodded his head, but once he tried to get up his legs were shaking bad. Yami sighed and helped him up firstly, grabbing his jumper and covering him as best as he could. He then picked Yugi up, one arm under his legs and another behind his back but placing them lower to avoid the cuts.

Yugi didn't want anyone to see his face in that state, so he hid it in Yami's chest. Walking through the halls, Yami could hear Yugi sniffling and felt as though he had to say something to the other.

"Look they won't touch you again, if they ever try and do something like that again then..." Yami said and tried to think of something. "When we get to the nurse's office I'll give you something."

"Y-You don't have to, it's not your problem with what happens to me," Yugi mumbled and Yami didn't know what to say now. He just moved his hand up to Yugi's shoulders and rubbed them, trying to silently comfort the other. They arrived at the office and the nurse wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Y-You can leave me now."

"No, I wanna take care of the cuts on your back," Yami said and placed Yugi on a bed. He rummaged through the draws and found some cloth and disinfection. "B-Better take the jumper off, that alright if I do it?"

Yugi's face was growing a new shade of red, but he nodded his head. Yami walked over and placed the items on the table then turned his attention to Yugi. He had his arms in the air and Yami grabbed the bottom of his jumper tugging it up and over his head. Something about see Yugi's naked torso threw Yami off slightly, but he ignored that feeling and went round the bed.

He climbed on so he could work on Yugi back and grabbed a piece of cloth and soaked it. "This may sting a little, tell me when to stop," Yami said and pressed it lightly. Yugi hissed at the pain, but chose not to say anything. In his mind he was already bothering Yami.

Yami was rubbing his back as lightly as he could, until it looked like he had done a good job. He then grabbed a bandage and got on his knees. "What would you prefer? Fully wrapped around you, or do you want me to just do something on the back?" Yami asked and Yugi finally looked back at him and in the eyes.

None of the boys spoke a word, just lost in each others eyes with Yami's hand on Yugi's back. Yami didn't know what this was, he barely interacted with many of the people back in the mansion so this thumping in his chest was new to him. Meanwhile, Yugi new what it was and what it meant for him. 

He enjoyed spending time with Yami, and having him attend to the wounds on him. Well he felt butterflies in his stomach. 

Footsteps coming from down the hall snapped Yami out of it and he grabbed a new piece of cloth. "I-I'll cover them so it won't rub or hurt," he said and and placed them on, putting on a little bit of clear tape to keep it on. After that, he started with the bandage and someone walked in. 

"What's going on here Mr Sennen?" she asked and Yami rolled his eyes.

"I'm wrapping him up like a mummy," Yami said and Yugi snickered at his remark. "We had an accident. Don't worry because I could take your job seeing how often you're not here."

She went to say something but cursed under her breath and walked into the corner of the room.

"Ass," Yami mumbled under his breath and continued his job. A few minutes later and he was finished. "There we go, if it starts to slip just find me and I'll help put a new one on. Don't trust the staff here they are useless."

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