Chapter 23, Break...

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*No one's POV*

Yami was the first to wake up, with a throbbing headache. Just how much did he drink last night? And why was he feeling someone in his arms?

He looked down and saw, Yugi was sleeping in his arms and holding his shirt. He didn't want to question it, as they were both drinking last night so he assumed he passed out on the couch with him. But what he saw on Yugi horrified him. 

Purple marks on his neck and collar bone. Because he had good memory from when he drunk, he remembered everything from last night and his face was losing all colour. He said it...he was in love with this person in his arms. 

He was freaking out, to the point he jumped up pushing Yugi to the floor and running off. He heard the other waking up behind him but he didn't stop. Everything his father did came back to haunt him; the whipping, being chained up without food or water for days, getting his head smashed against the wall.

He started to cry after locking himself in the bathroom, his body was throbbing in pain and he could feel it all again. He wanted it to stop, to not feel this again, to not have to look in the mirror and be terrified of seeing that man.

"Yami!! Yami please open this door!!" Yugi cried out from the other side. Yami ignored him, going to a corner and balling up, dealing with things the way he used to. He felt like a stupid little kid again... that should be punished for being too weak. "I am begging you to open the door!"

"Go to fucking hell!" Yami yelled and punched the wall beside him. The pain came back, he had made a dent into the wall and cut some of his hand. "Why the hell should I even let you!! Leave me alone like everyone else does!!"

"I won't leave you Yami," Yugi whispered and placed a hand on the door. "I refuse to leave you, I stayed with you when you told me you kill, I stayed with you when you killed people in front of me. And I'm going to stay with you right now."

Yugi slumped against the door, sitting there and keeping to his word. "Please Yami, I will never hurt you and want to help you. You have to let me," Yugi said and Yami looked at the door. Something behind Yugi's words, was the same he had from Takashi. He moved to the door slowly, shaking as he didn't want to open the door.

But his body betrayed him, as he opened the door and Yugi almost fell. He stood up and saw the face Yami had. He was terrified. Shaking as if he was freezing and tears steaming down his face.

Yami backed up and let Yugi in, Yugi closing the door so no on would walk in on them and watched as Yami sat on the bath tub pulling at his hair from stress. Yugi saw his hand and went into the cupboard, looking for the first aid box that laid in there.

Grabbing a bandage, he walked over to Yami who refused to lift up his head. Reaching out slowly, Yugi touched the bloody hand which made Yami actually look at him. "Let me help you," Yugi whispered and Yami obeyed without question opening his hand up. Yugi wrapped the bandage around his hand with Yami watching his every movement.

'Why are you so gentle with me?'

Once the hand was covered, Yugi went in front of him and held both of his hands. He didn't want to say anything, he felt like he would break the person in front of him. So he just went to hug him, Yami backing away slightly before allowing this movement. 

When in Yugi's arms, he felt the crying settle down. He felt better, safe again. He wrapped his arms around Yugi, placing his head on Yugi's shoulder and not wanting to move. 

"The past is in the past now Yami, you're with me and nothing will ever happen to you," Yugi whispered and placed his hands gently on Yami's back. "I want you to know, you're free to choose whatever you want to be. Don't be chained to what your father did, break free from those shackles."

"Y-You don't understand how hard that will b-be," Yami whimpered out and Yugi nodded his head. 

"That's why I'll be here for you," Yugi said and brought his face back. He brought a hand up to Yami's face and held it, making a circle movement on his cheek. "Every new step you take, I'll walk it with you no matter how long it takes. More and more, I will help to heal you and promise to never walk away from you."

Yami's heart did a flip with his words, and the feelings he had last night came back to him. He really did like Yugi, even though he promised he would never gain any interest in him. 

On impulse, he started to move closer to Yugi. Which made Yugi freak, he didn't want to upset Yami so he tried to move but the other had his hand behind his back to stop him from moving. "Please, let me do this," Yami asked and Yugi stayed in place. 

Yami ended up kissing Yugi again, and felt in utter heaven once his lips connected. It was nothing special. Just something simple to test his theory out which turned out to be true. Nothing made him more happy than being next to, and kissing Yugi Muto.

Meanwhile, behind the door...

"Father couldn't of been that bad to him, right?" Heba asked himself as he made his way to the living room. For Yami to be broke like that, he was scared. His cold brother was broken and hugging the person he was supposed to despise. Maybe he wasn't so bad then?

Heba got to the living room and saw Takashi talking with Atem. Once he spotted the little one, he smiled and walked tapping Atem on the shoulder. Atem looked and saw Heba, walking over to him and grabbing his wrist and pulling him to sit down. 

"Mind telling me why you tried to flirt with me last night? By the way, you're horrible at it," Atem said and Heba was left laughing.

 "Flirt with you? Don't flatter yourself, like I would be gay for you," Heba said and turned his head. "Man I wouldn't even think about laying a hand on you."

"Dude you touched my thigh last night," Atem said and Heba was thrown into a coughing fit. "Admit it, you like me."

"Go choke of a pineapple!" Heba yelled and ran off with a red face. Atem laughed to himself, know that the small was being in denial as he walked up to Takashi again.

He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and leaned up against the counter. 

"You have probably the most complicated kids in the world to look after," Atem said and bit into the apple.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't change them for the world," Takashi said as he opened up a can of orange juice. He noticed the smile Atem had to the younger brother and how he acts, he enjoys teasing the smaller. "Maybe Yami won't be the only one to heal."

Kind of double upload considering my sleeping patterns are off, and I am suffering. No sleep or barley any sleep is eating away at me, but at least I'm having fun right?

Any doodle, looks like Yami is finally allowing Yugi close to him even though he is pained. But the question is, can Atem do anything to help with Heba?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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