Chapter 6, Yugi's turn....

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*No one's POV*

Yugi just stood there, in shock of seeing his saviour once again. He was in awe, wanting to say so much to him but nothing came out. He received a jab to the side, gaining his attention to Seto Kaiba. "For real, wipe your mouth before you create a puddle below us," Kaiba said and Yugi snapped out of it. He felt nothing on his chin so he pouted at his friend. "Don't you know who he is?"

"No why? He's just a normal person right?" Yugi asked. Kaiba knew, he knew everyone in the town he lived in, so he knew who the Sennen family was and their faces. He was shocked when Yugi had told him his story of Yami saving him. He didn't trust the guy whatsoever though and was determined to keep his innocent friend far away from him.

"Just don't go near him, come on let's sit down before we get our heads bitten off," Seto said and guide Yugi to their seats. Which to much of Kaiba's hate was right in front of the Sennen and the cute blond one.

The teacher walked in, and Yugi couldn't focus from feeling the pair of eyes piercing through him. He wanted to turn around but knew he would get an ear full from his friend next to him. He didn't know what to do, his heart was pounding loudly in his ears and his face burning up.

"Now I am aware we have some new students an- oh dear, Yugi your face is fully red," the teacher said and Yugi placed his hands covering his face. But he was getting warm, too warm. "M-Mr Yami, I would like for you to take Yugi here to the medical wing."

Kaiba shot from his seat, not wanting his friend to be left alone with that guy. "Miss with all do respect I should be the one to take Yugi to the medical wing," Kaiba said with concern in his voice. The teacher looked between the two and only glimpsed at Yami for a second before nodding her head.

Kaiba and Yugi got up from their seat, as they did they heard a chair fall behind them. Yami had begun to dart out the room with the blond one closely following him.

Kaiba sighed, placing a hand on Yugi's back to guide him out. Kaiba noticed his friend was off in another world but choose to leave him. At least he was looking better, maybe it was the heat in the class that was bothering Yugi?

"Let's take a walk around the school, maybe it will do you some good," Kaiba said and Yugi agreed. Luckily enough, Yugi was known to have a good reputation around the school, so whenever he was caught outside of a class he would never get in trouble.

They went everywhere and must of walked past most if not all of the classrooms. They were going to walk past the pool, until Kaiba groaned and stopped. "I'm gonna head back to the canteen and pick up a drink for us. Meet at our spot?" he asked and Yugi nodded watching his friend walk away while he continued his walk.

He had just gotten to the pool, thinking that no one was supposed to be there. But the sound of splashing threw him off. He peeked into the room and saw a single person swimming laps. Unfrotanly, the only way through the room was to walk past the pool much to Yugi's discomfort.

So he bottled up what he had, and entered the room keeping a close eye on the person. The outline of the person looked somewhat familiar, but Yugi couldn't place it to who it was but tried to ignore them. He was halfway through the room, a smile creeped onto his face as he was happy he almost got through the room without confirmation.

But the sound of splashing behind him got his attention, enough to make him turn around. He noticed the person in the pool thrashing around, legs kicking frantically. Their head poked through the surface, and Yugi saw it to be Yami.

"Hel!-" was all Yugi heard before Yami's head was submerged under the water. Yugi didn't have to think twice before taking his shoes off, throwing his phone and wallet aside before diving in. He saw Yami was holding his ankle under the water, coming to the conclusion that he was cramping up.

Yami looked up, noticing the human now in the water and went to talk but forgot where he was. Yugi reached out to him, as did Yami. Yugi's lungs were now starting to hurt, they were under the pool at the deepest part. Yugi felt himself wanting to take a breath, but felt Yami's hand on his and darted to the surface.

Bothing of them gasping, Yugi dragged them to the edge and pulled himself up lending a hand down to Yami and pulling him up with ease. They were both breathing heavily, Yami was worse as he was under the water for an extended period of time.

"Y-You alright?" Yugi asked and looked over. Yami had only just started to breathe normally while glancing over at Yugi with confusion in his eyes.

"W-Why did you save me?" Yami asked and tried to stand up but fell back down.

Yugi had strength in his legs again so he was the first to get up so he reached his hand out to Yami, who grabbed it and got help up but stumbled into Yugi. A laugh came from the smaller as he threw Yami's arm over him.

"We're both humans, and no human with a right mind would stand by when another human is suffering," Yugi said and smiled widely.

Yami smirked at Yugi and they started to walk to the locker rooms, ended at the benches in the middle and Yami sat down sighing at the weight being lifted from his leg.

"Maybe I should go and get the school's nurse, you must be in pain," Yugi said and went to leave but felt a grip on him. He turned and saw Yami holding the sleeve of his soaked shirt.

"Alright 1, I am not letting you go through the halls like that," Yami said and looked down. Yugi only noticed now his shirt was now see through. "And two, why are you being nice to me? You don't even know me."

"I don't to know someone to help them, and I want to help you. You saved my life ages ago and I wanna repay you," Yugi said and went to the entrance. Yami whistled and threw him a jumper. It was his own jumper.

"Wear that at least," Yami said and looked away. Yugi felt his checks heat up, he's always wanted to wear someone else's jumper.

Yugi whispered a small 'thank you' as he put the jumper on and left the room. He was happy, he actually spoke to Yami again, and was wondering if he could befriend the guy.

Yes I know I said I would do It's Too Hard next... but I can't help myself. Whenever I'm in work I write what I feel like doing, and I have been getting a load of ideas for this story. But expect something for It's Too Hard soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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