Chapter 15

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The next morning, Eros and C.A Cupid disappeared, there was no trace, or clue to where they'd gone.  Most weren't worried, they'd probably gone to Olympus to visit Aphrodite, Eros' mother.  

(A/N: I know in some versions of Greek Mythology, Eros isn't a son of Aphrodite, I'm just using the version that I think makes the most sense)

But some were suspicious, they always brought Cody with them to Olympus, as he was going to be the next Cupid.  Nevertheless, Cody wasn't all that worried, he figured they would be back in a few days, but nope! After 6 days, they still hadn't returned, which aroused suspicion, every visit to Olympus only last 1-3 days.  Now most people were getting worried.  But their disappearance wasn't exactly the gossip spreading around Ever After High.  It wasn't the disappearance of the Cupid family that was the most shocking news.  Rumors spread about Blossom and Cody having problems with their new marriage, but that wasn't the most insane of the news.  Blossom was heard screaming at Cody, saying it was all his fault, and that her life was ruined.  But no one knew what had happened between them.  Blossom started to get cravings for weird food combos, she threw up every morning, and she kept getting extreme mood swings.  I'm sure you can guess what happened, well a few students could, too.  A few students started putting the pieces together, most who succeeded to figure it out thought that there was no way it was true, and tried to come up with a different reason it happened, but every piece of the puzzle led to 1 conclusion, and only 1 conclusion.

Rachelle's p.o.v

I asked Kyle to help me sneak into the headmasters office so I could visit the Evil Queen.  He grudgingly enlisted help from his sister, Kiara.  Together, the two caused as much havoc as possible, which would hopefully give her enough time to question the Evil Queen, she wasn't sure whether or not she would get a straight answer out of her, but judging by how long it would take to fix all the 'wonder' that Kyle and Kiara cause, I'd have a solid 25 minutes.  But I didn't want to get caught, so I stationed Kim, Caitlyn and Jocie around the office.  I walked into the attic, and saw the Evil Queen sitting on her throne in the mirror realm.

"Well, well, whom do I owe the pleasure to receive a visit from Rachelle Charming?  Usually, you only come with your mother every once in a while" she questioned.

"I came to ask you a few questions" I said simply, trying to sound confident, but realistically...I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"An interview then, sort of? Well, I have plenty of time I suppose, after all...I'm stuck in this wretched mirror prison, ask away then dear" she replied.

"What do you know about Eros and C.A Cupid's disappearance? I was eavesdropping-"

"Eavesdropping?  Perhaps there's hope for you after all, as Raven refused her destiny-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, I'm not going to follow in your footsteps!" I argued.

"Just tell me what you know!"  I demanded.

"Well, I had no idea that was what you wanted to ask. I'm afraid if you want to know anything about their disappearance, you'll have to do something for me, I need something in return, do you expect me to give away valuable information for free?"  she chuckled.

"Fine, what do you want?" I asked.

"I want a solemn oath that you will meet me in the middle of the dark forest, there's a mirror there, bring a few friends with you.  If you want my help, you'll have to face my challenge" she replied.

"I have a counter offer for you, we get a choice in whether or not we attempt your challenge, if we don't, I'll beam in some supplies into the mirror realm for you"  I countered.

"Fine, now...the Cupids, well...they're part of my little challenge"

"What did you do with them?!" I exclaimed.

"All in time, my little blackbird.  Now, I don't have much time left, have any other questions?"

"Well...I've been wondering about this" I said, holding up the mysterious book I'd found in my room the other day.

"Now that, I can answer.  I put it there" she answered.

"What? Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"No reason, just a little present." she replied calmly, though...there was a little glint in her eyes that I just couldn't get out of my head, I definitely didn't believe her.

"Well bye, I need to get out of here before Headmaster Grimm finds me" I said walking away.  I looked over my shoulder, the Evil Queen was watching something that I know she meant for me to see! ...................................................................................................................................................  ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... There, in the dark, were Eros and C.A Cupid, tied to chairs and gagged, on opposite sides of the room.

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