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For the past six months, Bilaal hadn't been himself. Seven months — it's been a whole, long six months Zynah left him. He had tried searching for her in every nook and corners of the city, but his efforts proved futile.

At times, he would spend his entire day gazing at her pictures. It even got to a point when he thought he was slowly losing his mind, for he did nothing, but look everywhere for her like a madman and later in the day, he spent his nights sleepless, reminiscing the awesome moments he had with her. He recalled the good memories and omitted the terrible ones. He still remembered her smile — her lovely smile which could brighten even his darkest days. Her laugh, which was like soothing sounds to his ears. Her voice, so angelic and gentle. Her touch which could heal his every wounds. Her unspoken words which conveyed thousands of messages in which he pretended to be oblivious of — terribly, he missed her. He missed every inch of her.

We don't know what we have, until we lose it — indeed this statement was right. He treated her worse than a slave when she was with him and now that she had left, he felt empty and realised she was everything to him and a life without her was almost impossible.

Six months, but he still hadn't lost hope. No matter how difficult or impossible it seemed, he was determined to find her and make her realise what a big mistake she committed by leaving him.

Not knowing where to look for her anymore, he decided to discreetly visit her parents' home in Kaduna and the moment he sights her, he would waste not even a second in taking her back. "I'm coming, Zynah. Just you wait for me."


"I can already see the head of your baby. Push harder!!" The nurse yelled.

The contractions were now in five minutes interval. Zynah was sweating profusely. Tears falling from the sides of her eyes. "Ahhhhhhh!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as she pushed harder, just as instructed by the nurse. The felt her body ripping into two and her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. The pain she was feeling was unbearable and didn't seem to stop. She had been in the labour room for almost seven hours now and the baby had refused to get out of her body.

"You're doing well." The doctor encouraged, wiping her sweats. "Just a bit harder and you will finally be able to hold your little bundle of joy in your arms."

Had it been she wasn't in so much pain, she would have rolled her eyes at the doctor or better still, yell at her to mind her own business and just do her job!

Like a speeding truck, the contractions returned in full force. Zynah bit her lower lip and pushed hard. Harder than she did previously.

"Congratulations, your baby's head is already out. Just push a little more and we will be able to ease the baby out of you." The doctor smiled.

More tears ran down the sides of Zynah's eyes as she realised the disaster wasn't over yet. She looked around and realised she was only surrounded by strangers. She had no one of her own by her side, except Allah, because He is never faraway. With closed eyes and clenched teeth, she pushed again. Finally, she could feel the baby slowly slipping out of her.

"Congratulations! You have a beautiful, bouncing baby... Boy!" The doctor announced, grinning.

Zynah could not help, but wonder why she was happy, when she, herself wasn't.

Relief washed over Zynah as she realised it was all over. The baby was finally out of her stomach. She closed her eyes in absolute relief and peace of mind.

The doctor passed the crying newborn over to the nurse to clean up and cut the umbilical cord afterwards. Carefully, she pushed back the few strands of hair that covered almost half of her face. "You did so well." She smiled down at her.

Zynah could hear her voice, but her mind was faraway from what was going on in the actual world. She was behind exhausted after undergoing a labor of almost eight hours. Immediately, she drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


"Alhamdulillah. My baby girl is now a mother." Hafsa kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling right now, dear?"

"I'm fine." She replied, gloomily.

"You have a baby boy, Zynah! Isn't that amazing?" She squeaked. "I was so worried waiting outside for you. I'm glad you delivered safely."

"Hmm." Zynah hummed, not knowing what to say.

"I just called and informed your dad about your baby's delivery." She stated. "Ramlah and Rashida too. They're both happy and can't wait to see the baby." Hafsa rambled on.

"Hmm." Zynah hummed again.

"What's wrong, dear?" She questioned. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." She replied, curtly. "I guess I'm just tired."

"That's right. Rest some more." She goad.

"Alright." Zynah closed her eyes. Immediately she did, the nurse came back with a neatly covered baby in her arms and handed him over to Hafsa.

"Ma sha Allah." She cooed. "He's so beautiful." She admired his big eyes, perfect nose and little lips.

"Congratulations." The nurse smiled. "Please make sure to wake the mother up. She needs to breastfeed the baby."

"Thanks. I will." Hafsa replied.

Immediately the nurse left, she recited the adhan (iqama) into his right ear and then the takbeer in his left ear.

Gently, tapping Zynah on the shoulder with the aim of waking her up to breastfeed her baby, Zynah ignored her. "Wake up, Zynah. You have to breastfeed your baby."

Opening her eyes angrily, she spoke in a dangerous low voice. "Please take that baby away from me. I don't want to even see him."

Poor baby!

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