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"Wa'alaykum salaam." She managed to reply.

"How have you and Adnan been?" He inquired.

"Alhamdulillah." She responded. "We have been alright. How are things over there?"

"I had been expecting you'd call to check up on me, but you didn't." His voice laced with disappoint.

"I..." Momentarily, Zynah trailed off, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry about that, I have been preoccupied with things."

"I know, but at least you should have called to know how I am." He added. "By the way, I want to know how the divorce process is going."

Zynah heaved a sigh. "I haven't even spent a month yet. Quite some time left, before the divorce is finalized."

He grunted. "What if I tell you, you don't have to wait for that long anymore?"

Zynah's brows furrowed. "What to you mean?"

"I have found a lawyer who is willing to handle your case and ensure you get your divorce from him in just a few days. He is quite reputable here and so far, he hasn't lost a case. All you have to do, is; give him your full cooperation."

Zynah's brows furrowed even tighter.

He seemed to have sensed her confusion, so he proceeded to explain further. "You will have to tell the court every detail of how he used to hurt you. For the process to be sped up and for you to gain the judge's sympathy, you will have to tell them he hasn't stopped hurting you and that his wife maltreats you and your son as well. He could even be sent to jail."

Zynah chuckled, humorlessly. "But that's a lie!"

"It is, but not entirely." He countered. "He hurt you in the past, but the wounds haven't fully healed yet and without being told, I know his wife doesn't like you and she must be thinking of ways to hurt you or Adnan. Besides, we're doing this for a purpose, right? You want to be separated from him for good, right?"

"Yes, but not in this way. Are you seriously asking me to lie? And your assumptions are wrong, his wife isn't exactly as you described."

"Maybe not at the moment, but soon. You'll see."

"Who are you to predict that?" Zynah scoffed - she was starting to get irked already.

"I'm not trying to predict anything. It is what it is."

"Why are you hellbent in making me believe that?" She sneered.

"I'm just being worried right now." He clarified. "Back to the topic; he gave me his words that the divorce will be granted in less than a week if you comply."

"I don't think you know me well enough. I'm not going to lie to get what I want. I will do this the honest way and in shaa Allah, the result is going to be in my favor."

"I just want to help you speed up the process."

"I truly appreciate your concern, but I'm sorry, I won't lie that he still hurts me, when in fact he doesn't. He is trying to change for Adnan's sake. I can't and won't take away his chance of being a father to our son."

"This isn't about Adnan, is it?" He all of a sudden asked.


"You don't want to be separated from him, because you still...love him." He stated.

Zynah shook her head in disbelief. "He is definitely going to divorce me - he gave me his words and I trust he will after the period of time elapses. I'm going to patiently wait for that time to arrive. I will do this without cheating. Sorry, but I'm not interested in your offer." She heaved a sigh. "And just so you know, I'm very disappointed in you." She ended the call and switched off her phone.

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