Ch. 8 Fighting

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Rory walked into the Mikaelson compound with Hope on her hip and Lilly's hand in hers. "Why don't you go up to your old room and stay in there till I come get you?" Rory told the four year old.

She made sure Lilly was playing in her room before finding Freya and Elijah. They were both standing next to the unconscious body of Tristan.

"Elijah, I got your text," she said.

"Unless she's violently teething, I don't recommend this as a daycare," the Original told her, noticing his niece.

Rory rolled her eyes, but managed a small smile. "My brother in-law is pissed at me and that means my sister is too. Therefore, Lilly and Hope are both with me. So, which one of you will take care of them, while I take my anger towards every man in my life other than you out on this pompous dick?" she asked.

Elijah and Freya exchanged a look, before the witch sighed and turned to her friend and niece. "Come here, baby girl," Freya said, taking Hope. "I'm assuming my other niece is in her room?"

Rory nodded. "Yep. Love you, Frey," she said.

"You're lucky I love you back," her friend said, leaving the room.

Rory smiled and turned to the vampire. "Bon appétit," Elijah told her.

The hybrid walked over to the unconscious vampire and dug her fangs into his neck as he began screaming.


Rory removed her fangs from the other side of Tristan's neck. The vampire was still screaming. "Don't be a baby or I'll give you something to really cry about," she said, backing up.

"You mistake me, my lady. I cry out only in grief. I was so struck by your beauty when I saw you at the gala. And now, after this affront to my person, I'll be forced to pluck those lovely almond eyes from your perfectly shaped skull," Tristan told her.

Rory smiled. "And you mistake me if you ever thought I was a lady," she said, the threat not even fazing her.

"My goodness, I could watch this forever," Elijah said, walking towards the vampire. "If only my sister wasn't trapped in the bottom of the ocean." He pushed Tristan's head back, stretching the bites. "Let me ask you again, Tristan. The coordinates, please."

He let go and Tristan straightened his neck, breathing heavily. "If I tell you, you'll just kill me," Tristan said.

"The alternative is significantly less pleasant," Elijah warned.

"Um, I think I'll hold off on any confessions. At least until the Strix arrive to free me and burn your home to the ground," Tristan told them.

Elijah moved to stand next to Rory. "I think the pompous dick could use a little more persuasion," he told her. He walked off and Rory moved towards the vampire.


Rory had to give up torture for a few moments when Freya called. Mary had apparently learned of Rory's argument with the Kenners and assumed that the mother would need a babysitter. Freya didn't know whether or not to trust the old woman.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's a little rough around the edges, but she's family. Don't worry, I'll be there soon," Rory told her and hung up.

She turned to face Elijah. "Is everything okay?" he asked. 

"Just fun with the in-laws. Jackson's grandmother just showed up, which is very strange considering him and Hayley are out sulking in the bayou. Not that I can really blame them since I practically told them to give up on me ever coming back to the pack after they were forced to listen to me cry all night," she told him.

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