Chapter 8

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Going into this chapter please understand how competitive Tessa is when it comes to things, sports especially. She's always taken her sports and athletics seriously.

|| Chapter 8 ||

"Good morning, Tess," Ellie, our nanny, greets me as I walk into the kitchen for breakfast. She's more so our cook nowadays since she only has Maddie to really look after but she's been with our family since Harry was two and he's now twenty-three.

"Morning Ellie," I hug her side and move around her, grabbing myself a bowl for my oatmeal. Maddie is sitting at the counter with her sketch book and pencil crayons in front of her breakfast. She stops every minute or so to take a bite out of her cereal. I look over my shoulder at her, "Mom and dad?"

She smiles in an almost pitying way and shake her head, "Nope, they left about an hour ago." I nod my head and go about making my breakfast quietly.

"Good morning everyone," Charlotte cheerily exclaims as she steps into the kitchen, she's all showered and dressed for the day.

I put my hand up, stopping her from coming any closer, "Please don't bring your peppiness into this kitchen so early. Maddie and I have a system, minimal talking and no smiles, right Maddie?" I look over at the youngest Hayes.

She raises one hand in the air, not looking in our direction and keeping her focus on her drawing, "Preach." I snap my fingers, pointing at her for emphasis.

Charlotte rolls her eyes, walking over to the fridge and grabbing two eggs. She moves around Ellie and grabs a pan out of the cupboard. "You two are ridiculous." She rummages around for something in the drawers, "You need a ride to school, Munchkin?"

"Shit," I curse, grabbing my phone and typing a quick message to Drew, telling him that he doesn't have to pick me up this morning. I had texted Alyssa late last night asking her to pick me up this morning instead of Drew.

"Swear jar," Maddie smirks, dropping her colored pencil on the counter to take a bite of cereal, "And no thanks, Tash's mom is picking me up in a few."

"We disbanded the swear jar, brat," I scowl at her open hand, waiting for my money. My phone beeps.

Cool, had a few errands to run this morning anyway -Drew

"Not since the others came home," she nods her head towards the toaster and sitting there next to it is the infamous 'Swear Jar'.

"I hate you," I grumble, digging in my backpack for a five dollar bill.

"I love me too," she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder, giving me a cute grin.

"What did you guys do with the last batch of money last year?" Charlotte asks from her spot by the stove.

I groan as Maddie proudly holds up her iPod, "I got an iPod."

Charlotte's eyes widen, "Holy sh-my god, that's, that's a lot of bad words," she stares at me.

"Mom's grocery store incident really tipped the metaphorical and literal scales of the Swear Jar," I reply with a shrug, shoveling down my oatmeal.

A shuffle sounds from the doorway and Olivia walks in, her eyes still half-closed.

"Morning Liv," Charlotte greets her cheerily.

"Shhh, it's too early for that," Olivia waves her hand telling Charlotte to lower her voice.

I point my spoon at Olivia, "See? Liv gets it." Charlotte rolls her eyes in reply.

A honk sounds from outside and I scramble around the kitchen, placing my bowl in the sink gently, last week I accidentally broke the bowl because I threw it in without thinking. "K, bye, I'll probably see you later. I have practice after school, Ellie," I inform Ellie, running to the foyer as another honk sounds.

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