2. new college first impressions!

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Duvett's pov:

So days went on and on, at my grandmum's house and I was done with 40days of my vacations.
It was time for me to leave there and get back to my normal routine.
I pack my bag folding each dress clean and neat.... I'm clean and responsible you see!! 😂

"hey girl!. Ready to head back??" my mum exclaims.
"yeah mum!... But I'll miss your mommy" i sadly say and mean it.
"yea honey I know you'll miss her. I'll miss her too.But not much as I did before" she says "you know I'm used to it now. And that's how life is.! " my mum just assumes everything she wants even though I don't convey it through my expression.
I jus smile in reply. What else do I have to tell this obsessive lady.
"we'll be leaving here by 1 at noon... So make sure you're done with packing" she says and I sigh at her obsession. "and one more thing" she says and I nod "your uncle will be dropping us off" I say okay.

My cousin boys leave with their dad.And my cousin sisters leave with their family.

I'm happy to see my home town after 40 days. I find my neighbor coming out of the grocery shop, I try screaming her name but it's too late, I've already moved on. As I enter my bed room I see it's clean and untouched.
I take a shower to relax after having a 3 hour journey. I check my phone for any texts. But I find none so I decide to take a nap.


The next morning I'm literally dragged out of my bed by my mum.
"Duvett get up!. Oh my God, How many times should I remind you about your admissions.Remember we have to admit you in some college.?" she's yelling.
"yes mummy! I know.Give me 10 more minutes please. I couldn't sleep all night" i dig myself into the bed further
"hell Duvett! I know you've been busy with your phone all night. I have to be blamed for it!" She snaps
" ma can you please calm down and let me sleep for little minutes" i say out of sleep. She sighs and goes out.

After a few minutes I'm awake. I get neatly dresses in jeans and a sweatshirt, That seems like my go to dress, most comfortable and looks decent.I have my breakfast, Which happens to be a sandwich, Light and good!.me and my mother are out to get my admissions done.

After what seems to be many hours we are out of the college. We had gone through each block at the university.And I mainly admired the cafeteria, Because it's gonna be my favorite place to hang out, bunking classes here after.

I'm told that the classes will start on 1st of August. And now it's 17th of July.I'm actually wanting the college to start very soon. I'm a jobless jerk at home. All I do is wake up at 10 in the morning, Spend hours on watching Netflix or YouTube and Spend the night texting friends. I dont even go out of the house. For not having friends, this is what one has to do.

After admission I reach home and notice the time "it's 4pm already" I say to myself. As I reach the stairs "Duvett dear!" I hear my dad's mum yell. I reach her room "yes granny??"
... "yeah! How was your college?? Did you like it??...?" she questions.
My grandpa(dad's dad) is asleep now.
"yeah! I love the cafeteria" I can't control my happiness for to be hanging out there "it's so cool you know... And it's huge than u ever know" I exclaim in happiness as if only I have seen the cafeteria being so huge. "good for you girl! I can notice your plans behind your happiness... It says you're gonna spend your class hours out there" my excitement caught me very obvious. "but not every time it'll turn out to be good" my grandmother says.

"if I don't get out of here now I'll have to be standing here for hours" I say to myself.
"did I hav you say something???" my granny says. Did she hear me??..."no granny!... Your old age has got you assuming things!" I try to joke.
She glares at me in a friendl way . I walk away silently laughing.

I reach my room. I pull out my phone from my jeans to see texts from my asshole school friends. I don't give a shit about their texts really. I only text Sam and angel. They hav been my best friends till now.Though Sam found interests in me at the ending days of my school, I consider texting him.

Angel is so damn obsessed with her looks. I had to run with her to the washroom every single time to see her pout in front of the mirror and pose adjusting her dress. She was never off makeup. Even though she was still in school, She had to hide her face with makeup. She never forgot her lipstick, even if she forgot to do her homework!

I have a text from angel

**hey! Wassup??**
im pissed off by this.Is she serious??... Why does everybody have to send me the same old lame text??. As if I'm not worth telling anything more than this! Anyways she atleast remembers to text.I appreciate that so here I reply.

**hey babe! How's your makeup ass doing?? **
Ugh! Literally a make up ass!!

Here I am jobless again.Nothing more than Netflix...

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