6. admired? or admiring?

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Hardin's pov:

I've had a long day! I get home at around 5:30pm. As I open my door pluto jumps on to me. Pluto is my dear pet. He's a very sweet dog literally. I just share every single thing that I don't like to tell people with it. He seriously understands me and consoles and comforts me in a way that nobody in the world does.

"hey pluto!" I say lifting him up and kissing him. He's happy and licking my every organ on my face. Me and pluto walk to my room together. He runs to my bed and sits there watching me as I drop my bag off. I pull out my shirt over my head and reach the bathroom to get freshed up. I hear my phone ring and pluto is barking to tell me that my phone's ringing. I assure him and move to my dresser to grab my phone. It's Melvin calling me. I receive the call.

"hey Mel!.. Wassup bro?" I ask him.
" yay Hardin! Nothing much brother... What you doin?" he asks.
"hell dude... I had a tiring day." i say in an exhausted tone. "always!... I hear this always!... Do you have something new?" he teases.
"fuck off Mel.. U jus fuck off" I retort. I hear him laugh on the other end and I join him.

"well Hardin... I found a cute chick today you know " he says... He's a fuckin asshole.
"whoooo bro! Who's she?" I ask.
"she's a freshman at my college dude... She just fell for Me at the first attempt". He's laughing as if he's done something very great.
"I knew this Mel... I knew you would trap a fresh chick" I laugh too.

As I walk back and forth the balcony laughing with Mel I notice a girl staring at me. Lol! She's standing in the middle of the road and there's a car behind her continously making sound for her to move. Wait... Wow! She's so hot. Girls normally don't turn out to be hot in jeans but she... She really looks super hot. That skinny jeans clinging to her legs.... Looks hot.
Her juicy lips are parted apart and her shinny eyes are staring at my body... Taking in every muscle I've developed..! She seems to be lost in her own world.

"yo bro! U there?" mel speaks through the phone. I'm brought back to the present time from my judgment." yeah! Let me call you back mel" I say and end the call. That girl is still standing there and that guy in the car seem to have no problem cuz he's staring at her sexy ass.
She finally notices me looking at her and she panics and jerks her sight.
She turns back at the car... She's saying something to that asshole sitting in the car... I guess she's apologizing.

She dont have to.. Cause that bloody was enjoying the show. He has to be feeling sorry for her. Fuckin jerk!
She moves aside for him to get away. As the car moves... She looks up at me again and I look back at her. She again panics and starts walking fast. Why's she running?? Am I creepy?? Lol!.... After moving a little forward she turns back to look at me again.

I smile at her cute pouty lips. Man!!.. She's damn cute. I feel like bringing those juicy lips into my mouth. I guess she saw me smiling at her cause she is literally running now.

Who's she by the way?? I haven't see her before. I never thought this street had such sexy girls walking on it.
Does she belong to the Harper's family??.. Oh my God!.. I don't think Mrs. Harper... That obsessive lady.. will have a hot daughter. I know she has daughter.. We've been friends in our childhood.. But she was a little chubby and I don't at all think that's her... Never.. She can't turn out to be sexy... Lol... No way.. And I don't know anyone else in this street.

Anyway does she have a boyfriend?? If so he's lucky!... Wait.. What if she doesn't have one?? Will I be okay for her?... I mean can we make the best couple? Will we last long??
Hell! Why am I thinking non sense?
She don't know me.. I don't know her.. What made me think that way??

Well... By the way... Why was she staring at me like that??.. Does she know me?? And why did she panic that way? I wouldn't do anything to her neither have I done something. Was she admiring me?? Or was she judging me cause I was standing shirtless? Did she have a love at first sight on me? I hope she has..... No I hope not!

I run to my room from the balcony.I throw my phone on the bed and I pick up my t-shirt lying on the floor. I pull it over my head and run out. Where am I going??.. Wait.. I didn't get my phone. I climb Back the stairs, push the door open, run to my bed and I grab the phone and rush out.

Yea.. Where am I going?? I step into a pair of flip-flops as I pull the main door open. Im jus walking down the street in the direction of the girl as she left. I'm jus walking... Walking without any idea. I stop at Harper's house. Should I clarify my doubts??.. I mean should I go in??
No.. No.. I can't go in.. I have no reason to. I turn back.. A little disappointed.
I go back to my home with a sad face.

"where did you go Hardin?" my mum asks as I enter. What should I tell? Hell what?? What do I tell??
"I... I.." I don't know what to say. "you what?" my mum looks confused. "I.. I mum... I went out.. I went out for a walk" I stammer as I make up a lie.

"you what? You went out?? For a walk??" hell! she knows I'm lying. "yes my mommy..." I say and run towards the stairs. "I thought you were completely exhausted.." she says and I climb up the stairs ignoring her. As I reach the room I feel like telling this inner feelings to someone.
Who do I tell?.. I hav no good friends.. I mean to share something personal.

I call Mel."yo bro!... Why did you cut the call?" he asks. "hey Mel! Leave that.. I have something to tell you" I say. Wait!.. Should I tell him? Is he trust worthy? Will he play with my feelings if I tell him? Will he trouble that sweet girl if he knows who she is?... Oh damn! I shouldn't have called him in the first place. What do I tell him??

"well... Mel lemme me call you back.. I have something important to do.. Bye" I hesitate.
"but you wanted to tell me some..." I end the call before he can have me telling him the truth. Fuck! I should have told him. I go and fall on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I'm tired and drowsy now. I'm hungry too.

I walk down to the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and find my mum making nuggets. It smells good. I grab a few and a glass of wine. I sit in the living hall turning the channels on the television. Damn! Nothing is interesting.

I finish my dinner soon and leave to sleep. Well what do I expect in my dreams?? Obviously my princess. Well... Not yet mine but soon will be.


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