10. oh shit! my bike?

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Hardin's pov :

"morning man!" Robert says walking down the stairs. I'm still half asleep on the couch. I look at the clock before answering him. It's 5:30am.

"morning!" I say in a raspy tone. "well... What is this?" he says reaching the dining table. He sees the pizza boxes I ordered yesterday. What? Didn't they have it last night?
I knew they wouldn't cuz they were drunk to death.

"I ordered pizza for you guys yesterday... I thought you were hungry too" I say. He laughs and carries it to the kitchen. He puts it in the oven. He gets the hot aromatic pizza to the living room. "I am hungry now " he says giggling and taking a seat on the couch, pushing my legs down.

"I'm sure you didn't even brush your teeth.. Did you?" I say with a sour expression. Obviously he atleast should brush his teeth before breakfast. He laughs. I kick his thighs and get off the couch. "ill mannered dumbass!" I say to him. He laughs loudly. "shameless!" I scold him in a hostile way but he's really shameless cuz he just nods smiling. I give a friendly glare and walk to Mel.

Mel is really a drunkard, I thought he was a decent gentleman. I kick his butt, and no.. There's no reaction. I kick it harder this time. "oh my fuckin God... What's your problem?" there I get the perfect reaction. "get your drunk ass off the floor and go have something. Remember you haven't had anything from yesterday's afternoon. That's waiting for you from last night." I say pointing to the pizza on the table.

After a few minutes he gets up. He's struggling to stand straight actually. I guess he hasn't soberd up yet." no.. I'm actually sober now" he says smiling at me. This shows he's not.. Cuz I never asked him. He walks to the table and picks the 3rd box up. He doesn't even heat it up, he straight away carries it to the couch and takes a seat.

"hey fool! Heat it up" I say. "no it's good this way" he says. He's really still drunk. I roll my eyes at his annoyance. "oh my..... Let heating go to hell, At least brush your teeth" I say. "no it's good this way" he says. What?? "no.. No.. I will.. I will brush" he corrects himself before my mind went far in search of vulgar words. "good for you... Get lost" I say. He smiles and moves to the bathroom. Oh my fuckin goodness.. Beer is making him a loony.

I pick up Mel's pizza and put it in the oven. I'm sure he'll puke everything out if it's not heated and I can't bare that. Early in the morning... Having a nice scene of him vomiting all over.. "eww disgusting!".

It's almost 20 minutes after he left to the bathroom and he's not out yet. What's he doing in there. Did he faint or something?.? "what's he doing up there? It's almost 20 minutes up" I ask Robert. "I have no idea" he says shrugging his shoulders. "did you hide your girlfriend or something in your bedroom?? And now he's fuckin her??" I say giggling at Robert and the idea of Mel fuckin Robert's girlfriend.

"no way.... Why would I get my girlfriend home when real womeniser is here??" he says waving his hand at me. "mind your language.. I'm not a womeniser" Im offended. "chill man I was just joking... Well.. You would be the first one to know if I had a girlfriend." he consoles me.

"oh my God she was so hot! She indeed gave me a pleasure." Mel speaks walking down. He's dressed in Robert's clothes. Robert is laughing at Mel's comment. "yeah I know she would" Robert says laughing. After a few seconds I realize that Mel spoke about a hot shower he had. For a second I thought it was something else. Robert cloths on Melvin are baggy actually. Robert is fit and muscular and Mel is thin as fuck.

"Robert's cloths fits you like a glove" I sarcastically comment laughing. "here.. Take it" I push the pizza towards Mel. "whoa! Thanks bro" he says taking the hot pizza in his hands. "will you mind if I take a shower?" I ask Robert, turning to him. "go ahead" he says gesturing his hands towards the bathroom.

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