9. drop a hint mother!

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Duvett's pov :

Finally its a Sunday! And the time now is 7am. I could hav slept for a little while more but I don't feel like. I snaffle my phone from under the pillow. I hav a 'happy Sunday' text from Mel. But I don't reply.

I'm still angry on Melvin. Why was he even drunk? I'm God damn sure that he was. Should I ask him?.. I want to but I can't. I've jus met him 3 days back and I don't dare to ask him about his personal life. But I also hold a right to ask him cuz he's considered me as a friend.

Well I don't know what to do, I have no problem to be honest but if my mom knows about me having a friend who constantly drinks, she's going abort me from going to college. That's the only reason I'm concerned and I don't want to loose anybody. And especially Mel because he's my only friend now.. Who I can rely on.

I ignore the crazy thoughts creeping into my mind and try to divert it by making plans to see my Romeo!... I mean my first crush. It's silly really that I didn't love someone before.

Well.. Love is a million miles away you can say when I didn't even hav a crush on someone. One of the reasons behind me not falling in love or even having a crush before is my mother. My mother has always been against love... Actually against men more than love. And my fuckin sperm donar.. So called DAD is responsible for this. He doesn't ever deserves a heavenly 'daddy' tag. Never in million years!
Well it's of no use confessing about him.

I take a few moments to relax and amuse my mind with Felicity.
Yeah!.. I hav to think of an idea to know that guy. Can I just walk up to Mrs. Ford? I can actually.. She won't mind, but I have no proper reason.
I get dressed and walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.that's what keeps me healthy and fit!

As I take the stairs to get down I can smell the scrumptious aroma of garlic. I see my mum preparing chicken noodles. I just run to her. "hmm! Wow mummy. That smells yummy" I say leaning towards the hot dish on the stove and literally licking the ends of my mouth.

Even though the food is capable of deviating my mood, I'm not able to forget his perfect gym body. My eyes are desperately wanting to see him again... Enjoy every small part of him and my heart is desperately in need of feeling him. And my brain is torturing me to fulfill its wishes. I'm trying.. I'm trying to find out an idea. I'm waiting for that small hint to take me out of the house. I'm waiting for my mom to drop that needy hint so that I can run.

I sit on the dining table next to the kitchen counter. I'm thinking.... Thinking so damn deep and intense. My mind is now ready to just grab that minor hint if dropped.
"but.. Duvett.. Don't shout on me.. Cuz there's no ketchup" she says and I suddenly smile instead of screaming on her like I used to do before.

There!.. There she dropped a hint. I run to her and say "no problem.. I can go get it from the shop". I'm full on happy. And mum looks confused of course. She nods suspiciously. I ignore her gaze on me and pull the fresh notes from her purse. I run out in my flip-flops.

As I reach his house I see a car parked in his driveway and he's talking to someone. Two people actually. I can see him properly cuz he's facing me and the other two are opposite of him.
I walk slowly.. A little nervous. "hell man! I didn't get my bike... Fuck! It's in the driveway of the bar" he's telling his friends.

As I walk closer he makes an eye contact with me. Fuck! I look down. 'oh hell... Why am I so scared?' I lift my head again to look at him and now he's smiling but not seeing me. But I'm very sure that the smile on him is because of me. I know it for sure. His smile is so attractive. Magnetic actually. It's pulling me towards him.
I walk fast now. As I pass a few steps away I hear his friend talk.

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