15. am i Emily? or Duvett?

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Duvett's pov :

My phone buzzes with notification.
A text from:

**hey! 💕**......
Holy shit! What? Hardin's reply? Oh my God! Did he seriously reply?finally! I finally got a reply after waiting for 24 hours. I'm gonna have a heart attack in excitement.

**hello? How're you? **
I don't know what else to say. I'm so delirious to talk to him.I'm not able to believe that I got a reply. The blissful feeling in me is incredible! I don't know how to react.

**who's this? **
What? He doesn't know who I am? Like?He can't be serious! Then why did he care to reply a stranger? Fuck you Hardin!

**you don't know who I am? **

**nope! **
He's giving reckless replies which is kind of making me feel he's snubbing me.

**well... You seriously don't know me? **

**no! I'm serious **

**oh.. Okay then bye! **
One drop of water escapes from my eye.

**hey.... No don't go. **

**what's the point of texting you if you don't know me? You didn't even try knowing me. **

** I know you **

**what? **

**yeah I know you**

**what's my name, if you know me? **

**Emily **
What? What the fuck? How does he know that I'm Emily? Nobody except my family knows it. How does he in the world know?

How the hell is this even possible.?

Yes! Emily is me! I am Emily harper.

So beautiful were those days when my daddy carried me on his high shoulders while little Emily cheerfully laughed. Emily thought her daddy was the best and loved her the most than any other. She wouldn't make him a hero only if she knew he'd be a drunk today. A drunk who's behind money. A drunk who married my mother while he had an affair with the other. A drunk who participated in bringing me to this world. A drunk who fought with my mum every night. A drunk who, I thought he loved me the most. A drunk who named me EMILY! Yes! That bloody drunk of a father named me Emily.

So how did Emily become Duvett...???
Emily!. I thought Emily was a very sweet name.Given by my Dada! And I loved being called it, until I knew the truth. Emily, Fuckin Emily! Was my dad's affair! Yeah,That shameless lady's name was given to me. She is a bitch! She's literally a wicked whore! She continued her liaison with my daddy, even after she knew he was married and had a daughter.

She manipulated my father to drink.Drink more n more n more!. Drink till he was capable of harassing my mother. There she sat, enjoying and making up plans to exploit my mother. She built up the hasty feel for money, in my daddy. She pulled him out of the house, when my mom sat shedding a pool of tears. She then sent him drunk, full on high! Only to kick and slap my poor mum. Only to bang her to the hard furniture around.

My grandparents,They tried, They tried helping my mother while my daddy didn't even respect them. He assaulted all of them. This is what my grandparents get for raising their lovely son! My dad chose his official affair over his official wife and official parents and also his official daughter! Isn't my papa great??? Well he's too great for me!

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