8. my first beer!

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Hardin's pov:

I hear someone knocking my bedroom door. "it's open" I scream. As the door opens I see a girl stepping in. My vision is blur. I'm not able to look at her at all. I rub my hands over my eyes to clear the vision but I'm not able to. I can see a blur image of the girl walking towards me. "hell! Who're you?" I question. But she doesn't reply. I assume she isn't able to hear me. As she comes forward I can partially see her smile and I remember seeing it before. She looks beautiful even in blurred form. She's wearing a long pinkish gown. She comes closer, pushes me onto the mattress and leans against me. Im confused, who's she? Im not even able to control her actions. She leans and kisses my forehead. Her fingers tracing my jaw line. "I love you!" she whispers into my ear. What?? I can't get kissed by a stranger.
I try to push her away.. But no,I'm not able to. She gets up off me and backs away. I try to grab her hand but she suddenly fades away...
Im able to open my eyes after she faded away. I clear my vision with my hands. I turn around the room to know where she went. The room door is closed. I get up and walk towards the door. I turn the knob but it's locked. I mean I've locked it from inside how did she enter.??and how did she leave??


I wake up sweating and realizing that it was a dream. But it was like it happened for REAL! Her kiss was so soft and slick. I get off and as I look in the mirror I see a mark on my forehead. I lean forward. That's a lipstick mark. What??
I blink my eyes in confusion. As my eyes flicker open the mark is gone.
It's vanished.... Fuck! It was just hallucination.

I try to recall my dream as I walk into the bathroom to get a shower. I pick my brush. "she had a familiar smile.. I had seen those lips before. I guess it was the same girl I fell in love with.... Hey hey! It wasn't love!
She was jus attractive and looked good that's it. How can I love a stranger when I don't even know her name. But she looked beautiful... HEAVENLY!. I'll try finding out who she is. I'm sure she's still a college girl. And she'll walk only on this street cuz there's no other road connecting this.
What time does she go? I'm sure every fuckin college starts at 9...so she may leave at 8 or so. "I stop thinking only when I realize I was telling this out loud.

I step into the shower. The water is hot and is giving me a warm pleasure. My whole body is paining as if I was hard all night fucking somebody... Lol!
My strained muscles are relaxing as the hot water runs down.

I hear Shawn Mendes singing on my bed. Lol! That's my ring tone. 😂😂
I don't want to step out of this fantastic feeling standing under the shower. The ambivalence in me is delightful. I ignore the call and continue receiving the rattling pleasure.

After 15 minutes I step out of the shower. I walk out to my dresser with a towel around my waist. I pick up my phone before I reach the dresser. I see missed calls from Rachel.

Rachel is my friend... Well not a friend but she's always around me and I don't give a fuck about her. She's always annoying and the most talkative I've ever met. I'm fed up of her blabbering mouth which is filled with sarcasm. She looks hot though but never did tempt me to hook up with her.she is a prick teaser you can say. She hates it when girls talk to me, THAT'S FOR SURE!....

I call her back. "hey handsome!" she screams through the phone. "tell me" I say it a little harsh. "you're being rude" she says. Fuckin hell! She is the one disturbing early in the morning and she dares to tell me that I'm being rude. "jus spill the shit you wanted to" I retort as I walk to my balcony.
I see the same girl.... The one who was staring at me yesterday... The only I fell in love with at the first sig...."no well! Stop!" I remind my subconscious hero. Yeah... I see the same girl walking away. Hell! Why couldn't she be minutes late. Im sure she would stand staring me. She would love me more, only in a towel around my waist. Hey! Ive been assuming things a lot. How do I know that she even loves me? Lol!

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