Chapter 29

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Sorry I am not that good with fight scenes but I hope it was good and turned out ok hope you like it.  Thanks for reading and voting and also commenting as well.  ☺ I am so happy you guys like my story I always thought I did a bad job but seeing you voting or commenting makes me happy thanks again and enjoy. Also sorry if its short like always 💞

Victor prov

At the park waiting for Henry to get here so we can get this over with some nice and for all.  I see a figure walking towards and I can tell its Henry when he got closer he stops and just smiles at me. I glare at him with hate. We stare at each other for awhile the next thing I know I am on the ground.  I look up at Henry seeing him smirking so I got back up and punched him back.  We kept fighting.  I had a bloody nose and a busted lip.  I gave Henry a busted lip and a black eye both of us are getting tired but I won't give up not in till I win and he knows not to mess with my girl ever again.  He should have been careful what he wished for when he asked to fight thinking he would win yeah right like I will let that happen.  We started fighting again the next thing I know is that I feel a sharp pain in my arm.  He stabbed me.  I screamed in pain and held my arm then I look at Henry and just punched him so hard that he fell and I stand over him and watched him look at me then his eyes closed.  I knock him out I won then I walked away and left him there I went home to y/n my queen.

Henry prov

The night has come where I be fighting Victor in the park.  I am doing this because they need to know who not to mess with anymore.  He took the girl I liked yes I know he didn't know that but its to late now.  When I got to the park I saw Victor and I walked up to him seems like he knows its me.  When I got closer I stopped in front of him and he glares at me and I just smiled. Its time to fight then without him noticing I punched him so hard he fell to the ground and I smirk then he got up and punched me then we started fighting and after while we stopped for a moment and I was tired I know he was too I could tell.  I had a busted up and a black eye and victor had a bloody nose and a busted lip.  I won't let him win he needs to know that.  We started fighting again then I pulled out a knife and stabbed it into his arm.  He screamed in pain and holds his arm the next thing I know he punched me so hard that I was on the ground again and he was standing over me and then I only saw darkness take over. I got knocked out and I lost.

Y/n prov

I was waiting for victor to come back I was lonely I mean who isn't.  When I heard the door open I looked straight there what I saw scared me it was like a horror movie scene.  Victor came back home and I all see him beaten up and a stab wound in his arm.  I ran to help him and he fell in my arms and I helped him to the bathroom and patched him up and cleaned his wounds after I was done I helped him the bedroom and layer him down on the bed and I lay next to him and looks at him. And says "what happened Victor and be honest with me" he looks back at him and says "I had a fight with Henry tonight and I won " I sigh why did he do that it was a idiotic move but he won I am proud but also sad that he is hurt my king.  I kiss him and he kissed back and I look at him and says "don't do that again please what if it was so much different next time" he looks back at me and says "I promise I won't do it again and I know I am sorry I scared you" I nod and hugs him and he hugs back. 

I love him with all of my heart and I know he feels the same away. 

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