9. The Inspiration (NATURAL DISASTERS)

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Thank You, Boss
So, I was supposed to write a story or a poem for a competition I was taking part in of my own free will.

The Topic: Workplace Troubles
The Response: Thank You, Boss

I notice that many people started reading with this one, which is logical, knowing it is the first one.
I do understand that it may be quite out-Of-place compared to the rest, however, I hope it does help you know the unknown struggles that someone people have to deal with at work.

'We hide our scars when they are evident.'

Madness Of Me
We all have a madness on the inside, that we try so hard to hide.

This is my madness, at least until I get more mad.

This is basically, hopefully, to show how one is feeling on the inside, but because of judgemental people, our lives change, but, I persona's still a part of you, don't rip it out like they did with 'Impact'.

'There's a me I show you and there's a me that only I know of , so, please don't judge me, let me be me!'

It was a cloudy day, it was so grey and it was about to pour.
The word 'Storm' can also be used figuratively by saying that you are trapped in this 'lightning and thunder' and you just want to go somewhere safe and sound like a shelter.
I wrote this, taking my time to complete this, because I knew how much it would mean to me if I wrote it in an emotional way by releasing all my sadness on this.

'In a storm, remember to bring an umbrella to protect yourselves from the rain.'

I wanted to feel the pain, you know, write the pain and feel it.
It is definitely very descriptive by image-created pain of withering away.
It tells us to live everyday, to the fullest and to your best with no regret.

'I was left with the impact, but, I still made it out, you can too!'

This was done so quickly in about 30-45 minutes after I got much 'Eillish' inspiration and was too driven to make a poem with rhymes and the 'murderous' side of all of us.

I was just think of all the things I want to pen down, and I did.
I'm completely and wholeheartedly proud of this.
I hope you like it too...

'There's a dark side to everyone, do you want to bring yours out?'

Do you remember a time when you felt that you didn't know where to go or if you're going the right way?
Was there a time?

This happened to me, and not because that, I wrote this.
It's basically the feeling of being Lost and really yearning to be found, you've got to trust people, although it may be hard.

'When you're lost, don't say you're playing hide and seek.'

Earthquake & Care (For someone I never met)
Both of these are hypothetical,
firstly because I wrote them as though I was there, feeling it.
However, I wasn't, and so...

Well, I live in a country which, fortunately, does not suffer such tragedies.
I read the News and it is devastating, so very sad.
I'm lucky the people dying or mourning are not me and all I wish is that no one has to go through such unbelievable sob stories, no sarcasm or insult here, truly.

-A moment of silence, please-

'Appreciate the little things in life, you never know...'

The World & Natural Disasters
I wanted to write some poems about 'The World' not just me, myself and I, you know?

The lyrical sense in 'Natural Disasters', just moves me, it touches me because it just has a kind of sad and hiding kind of vibe that I want you to feel,
I hope you appreciated it.

In 'The World', I express certain historical features and use them to create the globe we are living on, I want you to understand what 'The World' has done for us, I hope you do.

'Understand the fortune, learn our history and know that things happen for a reason, they do and to get what your destiny is, and it will be great, it's yours to live anyway.'

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