50. Questions I Have...

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Why are you reading this?

Why do you care?

Why does anyone care?

Why does everyone think I've got something?


What is your problem?

What can I help you with?

What am I to you?

What do you do?


Why are you here?

Why am I asking?

What do you want?

What are you selling?

Could I leave this conversation?

Could I be any more boring?

Could I?

Should I be like you?

Should I pretend everything is okay?

Should I?

Would I ever be someone you know?

Would I be someone you remember?

Would I?

Why is life like this?

What does this have to do with me?



Could you answer me?

What's wrong with me?

What's right with me?

Why is my mind blown?

Why is my mind so twisted?

What's going to happen to all of us?
What's going to happen once...

I've got a hundreds of questions, and I'm still wondering if you will answer me...

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