43. Material Things

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All the items we have in the living room,
The cuckoo clock, the hourglass and the television set,
They're all just material things.

So why?
Why is there a need to obsess over these material things?
Is it really our fault?

Things get damaged and,
in the common modern world,
When you see no use,
You get rid of it and get another,
Maybe better and expensive...

I used to be too possessive of all the things I had in my life,
But I learnt an important lesson that you taught,
We have to let go of our superstition.
I still am possessive of material things and memories alike,
I'll never let go,
But I've learnt that letting go is the best way to move on from 'holding on'.

Emeralds, Diamonds & Crystals,
What's the point of them all,
We are of the highest value,
Priceless price,
There's never a discount to the life we own and lead,
We let people into our store and we kick some out,
Because that's the way life works, right?

Taking a look at the world around me,
I see we've built a world filled with material things,
Mercedes, Ferrari & Jaguars,
Bills, Checks & Gold,
Who's caring?
Caring about
the rivers, lakes and seas' around.

We're too concerned about
Material Things,
Buying things we don't need,
Throwing things like garbage.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.
Indigo & Violet, oh, we know too much to really understand why we buy these material things,
Maybe it's for our overall bling,
Or maybe just showing everyone our cash flow is going smooth, it's basically glowing.

Oh these material things,
You matter,
But we matter too,
Oh material things,
Why do we bother with these material things, sometimes...

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