28. [Generations]

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Look what you've done to our future generations?
They are learning all the wrong things,
Where do you think they learnt them?

Children are looking in the mirror,
They're thinking they're not good enough for you,
I mean is this a beauty contest?

We're thinking all these different things,
Oh, but still we,
Oh, but still we have to follow your dusty lead,
Oh where's that going to lead me?

I feel broken,
You've broken me,
My generation,
And our future generations.

Everyone knows what they shouldn't know,
They only learn things for small talks,
But, what small talk would you need?
We're always glued to our phones,
Listening to comfort of sorts,
Do you know what you've done?

Oh I feel sorry for the future generations,
They'll never learn the things we did,
We'll never learn the things our parents & grandparents went through,
I mean sure,
Certain things definitely helps,
But the attitude of this generation,
Must I say?
Not all of them though,
But you've gone through to the easy targets,
But I'm a bullseye,
You're going to miss me,
But my surroundings are getting filled,
And I'm bound to feel the pressure you've given.

Don't feel to proud,
You've ruined the values of all our ancestors,
Oh, we're wondering if we'd be remembered in the future,
Now look what you've done,
Look what you, the past, have done to our generations.

I'm glad there's still time to make amends to our current situation,
I'm going to be one in a million,
Make that billion or even infinity,
I can change the world,
I just have to know where I'm headed first.

Save the innocent souls,
Leave them be innocent from our corrupted society,
Oh look what you've done,
Old past,
Look what you've done.

How could we change the world around,
Make it a better place to live in,
Not have such negative influences all around,
Let's change the world,
One step a a time.

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