59. Humans Make Mistakes

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I've made too many mistakes,
At least I'm right twice a day,
But what's the point?

You'll see me and everyone who makes mistakes as
broken prizes,
shattered pieces,
Another thing to write about.

Humans make mistakes,
'To err is human',
I don't understand,
Why do you still run to me like a hurricane,
I'm already in the storm with the impact,
I ain't talented,
I'm basically no one in your eyes,
I've done nothing worthwhile,
Would you remember me?

Writing is bringing out my heartbeat,
Oh no, please let me breathe,
Don't need to pin point,
Hit the bullseye on my every mistake,
You seem to be like a stalker,
Watching and recording my every move and when I trip,
"Oh, interesting, human beings make ridiculous mistakes", you'll write,
But truth is no one's perfect,
Being perfect is imperfect,
So long to understand other people's and constantly improve yourself then only do you learn, you can become 'perfect' in your own way,
If you learn...

I'm making excuses to cover up that I'll never be better than you as I was before you pulled your strings.
I can't keep blaming myself just because you're putting the weight on me.
I've got to know that's it not my fault that I was the torn-out
perfect puzzle.

Humans make mistakes,
We remember the times we committed these crimes,
And although it rhymes,
it's true.
We learn, we grow, we evolve and we become better humans.

I never really knew why I keep making these mistakes,
But maybe it's because I never want to learn something I don't agree with.
We make mistakes,
But even so we're not mistakes.
Don't forget, we can fix our mistakes like how we can pick up the shattered glass off the bathroom floor and put them back on the tilted broken mirror we admire ourselves in.

We can, but would we?

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