61. Why Do I Do This?

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Maybe I do this to just write,
I love writing,
Or in this case, typing out words,
I want you to listen to yourself read,
Consume the things I talk about,
I talk about:
1) Love
2) Family
3) Uniqueness
4) Heartbreak
5) Sadness
6) Deepness
7) Things You Don't Know
8) Loss
9) Myself
10) Philosophies

I mean, if there's anything you want to be written,
You've got to do it yourself,
A broken draft is the greatest start compared to the meticulous work that's just too much to handle,
My advice: Write From Within

I started Conversationals as a way to know that I've experienced so many things and have my opinions on different things.

Someone once told me,
"You write almost everything and nothing..."
I believe that for sure,
I don't know if my writing has any value in meaning for you,
but for me, they mean something.

I started this collection when my parents went overseas and left me and my siblings alone at home during the holidays.
Me, being someone who loves my parents and is afraid of the world and everything that goes wrong, I wrote an almost 30 paged collection based on loss, loneliness and time.

This one is really interesting and as best as possible supported with the common theme of 'belief'. The most common intention was to talk about different things like stereotypes, a need for a guide, eating right, friends, love, mythology and others in words I couldn't ever put together. It is the collection where I pay more attention to the message rather than the literary devices, so, much more calming to write.

This collection was introduced after receiving my results. Sure, it may sound dramatic, but it's about 'feelings' of sadness, jealousy and others that are so hard to let go and talk about. So, definitely, not easy but comforting to know that it's going to be out there. The plan I have for this collection is to write everything from the first word to the end. Why RAIN STAR then? Well, this is mine and will always be mine to write, live and be proud of. I've
thought of the closest word associated with mine to be RAIN, and me, the dramatic one that I am, somehow have a controlled obsession with STARs, so, self-proclaimed as THE RAIN STAR.

After watching a movie which involves judgement, fantasy, magic and love, this came to mind. The reason it is untitled is well, it's all to DRAMATIC and UNIQUE. There's going to be more concentration on the words for this one to convey overdramatic things. Something for society.

This one was thought about around the week of magic and well wishes, you'll see soon. Honestly speaking, this collection is quite depressing but at the same time thoughtful and happy-sad. I wrote this also because of a Netflix show, and the show is really telling to me that sometimes we think the one above has a plan, it's perfect, your sins are blamed on the devil/demon. Is it really true though. The thought of heaven and what's below, it's terrifying when you know, this is dedicated to that show for giving a spectacular different perspective to that topic. 👼 😇
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So, maybe I do this to feel accomplished, to know my words go to lengths, to put it down so that no matter what happens I'm left with this and not just dust with us all.

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