32. Mental Breakdown

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I'm so indecisive,
I can't even handle all the expectations,
I want to do well,
Prove to you that I'm worth something more than a diamond cell.

I can get my self in two worlds,
Can't make the right decisions because everyone wants you to be someone you're not yet.

I try to control my emotions,
But if you didn't know,
I can get a little too emotional,
It doesn't matter if things work for me,
All I hope is they work for you, because I'll learn to cope with all the drama,
But first, you just got learn that it's ok to not be 'normal'.

It's totally fine to see yourself as a failure,
But please, please promise me, you'll never portray any rash and abnormal behaviour.
What I mean by abnormal is trying to give yourself a 180° turn and becoming someone your not.

I have mental breakdowns sometimes too,
It's fine if your head needs a break and if you need some help,
Read '23. Healing' first,
Then we can talk it over and make everything feel better, because it takes some time to get your balance in life.
Oh, promise me, you'll try to be alright...

You may feel drowsy and dizzy.
You may feel exhaust and restlessness.
All it takes for you,
Is simply a dose of playful times and deeply-bonded friendships.
It may be hard at first,
But look,
There's going to get better soon.

Till we meet,
I hope you'll still try to be okay...

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