15. I Don't Mind

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I don't mind
If you've got things do,
I know when I'm not needed.
I don't say exactly what I feel all the time,
Because it would hurt you more than it could hurt me.

I don't mind
I can close one eye,
I know I'm not great at friendships,
But in my family, they last.

I don't mind
You using your cellular devices all day long like an addict.

I don't mind
If the things you say could only mean so much,
The things you do mean much more.

I don't mind
If you're leaving me out, don't feel guilty,
Cause I don't mind.

I don't mind
If you think I might be crazy,
Odd & Mad,
Cause I've got my own expressions for the day and for the night.

I don't mind
If you have your little conversations and leave me behind,
I'm not going to point out your flaws,
Be the weight pulling you down.

I don't mind
If you find joy in my sorrow,
Cause I care about you,
Although you're not a friend at all.

I don't mind
If you use those profanities,
But just one question,
Don't you think you should be like how your parents raised you to be?

I don't mind
The expectations in life,
The long hours that seem to go to waste,
The hard work we put to the taste,
Oh victory,
We're victims your presence.

I don't mind
Because I think I've lost mine,
My mind I mean,
It's gone,
So I'm a bit irrational, talkative and non-relatable,
But I'm a star 🌟,
So I hope
you don't mind,
Cause I don't mind you.

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