27. Revelation

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I had a revelation,
A revelation of life,
Oh Cameron,
The greatest flowers wither first,
Oh why?

I really don't want to lose anyone I know,
But I already have.
My heart could break,
You know,
I can't handle this,
It's like I'm sinking
so I'm drowning too...

The revelation I had was about life and death,
Oh there's so much more life ahead or is there?
We are running out of time,
Why don't we make the most out of it?

Let's look past all the horrible things that have passed our era,
Let's move on from the past,
Let's move forward not back,
If only you saw what I saw,
The revelation...

I look at the mirror,
It's made of glass,
I can see my reflection,
Am I breaking down?
Oh, life's going to hit you hard in all the different places:
Emotionally, Psychologically, and all.

With the pain in you,
You need to take it and dispose it away,
We need to think about our future together,
Let's make it great,
Remove all the stigma,
And be free from certain cruelties.

I had a revelation,
Life & Death
Are different from the rest,
Greek and Roman,
Were they right?
Till next time...

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