29. National Day Story

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Is not today,
Today was someday...

8 August
I went to school so early,
I was in the early morning breeze looking like I'm the Star role in a movie.
I slithered into my class,
And realised that the class was so empty,
Like a desert of the Wild West.
All our chairs were taken,
Although we were living in the secluded corner of our fine institution.
I waited patiently as I knew I had to go somewhere later
(The one thing keeping me up)
I took out my paper bags that were made for the elderly.
I took them out from a cotton bag,
Not ironic, I know...

Then later, I took the camera,
You know, my photography,
I waited for 8 to arrive,
I wanted it to rain,
Oh but it didn't,
So, I'd be the fool walking around in weird fashion in front of your faces like an abnormal person.
Whenever I felt like it, I could go to the back and sit with my classmates who were also 'working'.
Flags rising high,
The sun was shining so bright!
I took about 50-100 photographs in just that hour,
But my wrist started hurting
And most of all,
My classmates became mad and attached 30 flags together as one and pasted it on the back, blackboard with our zodiacs.
Oh, but I had to go just as my teacher walked in,
I headed to the 4th floor where my duty resumed,
You know...
I walked in and my one-year senior told me to go to another venue,
And I did,
I was the first one there,
I mean at least before the large crowd of SENIORS!!!
They all came in and took a seat on the floor or on the chairs...
While there was this
Army Representative (previously from the school)
Was going to be talking about his experience in the army,
And all that,
So I basically was wondering why I had to be there to take pictures while my classmates were all sustaining their labour; making more paper bags...
I took 1 video and plenty of different pictures without moving,
You want to know how?
I took them in different angles...
I then was called by another one-year senior to return the camera to the school who bought it,
And so I did,
However after all that, I noticed that I seemed to have forgotten to put the cover of the camera back, so...

Weirdest Thing:
Somebody pushed the door close, and the bus driver couldn't open it until later.

9 August
The day was normal and all,
The parade that day,
Oh my, my, my,
I managed to spot certain schoolmates because they were performing.
You know we can laugh together!!!
The most majestic thing:
The Silver Lion,
It felt so digital, reflective and futuristic.
The highlight indeed was the fireworks,
But nothing out of the blue,
You know.

It was so retrospective,
It was incredible and different,
But still it was special.

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