64. Shade By An Impossible Hypocrite

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You were saying...

First of all,
What'd I do to you?
You're still living,
Not like you did any better,
Oh, you fool,
I tried, but, oh boy, looks can be deceiving,
This ain't the impact, ok?
By then you'd be dead,
Although tragic, I see no reason to like you.

You're so smart,
But your intelligence has become a misgiving,
I mean, I've got to sustain getting bullied since 7 years old,
And all you've got to face is fame and fortune,
Like "hello", I'm still here,
Living, and you, of all people,
Why'd you have to rain on my parade?

Maybe you're just jealous,
I mean I did beat you with them marks,
But hey, you're still growing up,
But, oh boy, this is a meltdown.

I've been through this once or twice before,
I don't need to stare,
I don't need to be a bore,
You either listen or not...

Maybe you couldn't tell I was trying,
Life's a game, boy,
There's going to be losses and victories,
You've been wining too long,
Fortunately, life is fair to some, at times,
To others, not at all.

Life's short,
Live in the moment,
If you don't learn perspective,
It's a tragedy, for you, at least.

I'm here,
In my room that I share with my brother,
I'm alone,
The curtains are up,
And here I am, not ranting,
Talking in a civilised manner,
Unlike you, you have no courtesy,
You couldn't possibly appreciate hard work.

You know,
Even if someone might freeload or whatsoever,
I honestly really don't care,
I feel that I've told on people long enough,
You, on the other hand, got some growing up to do.

I know I said cherish your childhood,
But when you have a 'diva' moment,
Trying to solve an unresolved problem,
You're just crying over spilt and spoilt milk.

I'm rolling my eyes,
I'll tell you that,
I've got a brain,
I don't use it to bully, to harm, to hurt,
I mean I could, but why would I want to, knowing the level of maturity to understand basically anything is at a lack,
You could be red, I'll be blue,
I didn't once complain, even though I wanted to.

I'm having a monologue right now,
Like can't you tell?
I'm not angry,
My heart is not racing,
I'm just pitying the truth of favours,
The lovers, the haters, the fakers and the pranksters,
I mean, I'm not even crying about it,
Just plain disappointment,
Oh, the world, life plays in stages with acts significant to our personality.
Oh boy, this is shade by who?
I mean,

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