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"Hu. Where am I?" I asked as I woke up before coming to my senses. That was a month ago, I am now the lord of Drop of the Phoenix. When I came here stumbling around in to the town it was a wreck but now it is has grown a bit since I first came.

"Hey Irene!" yelled my friend and warrior Kate.

"Yeah what is it," I asked her.

"One of the towns around us has a problem and needs our help to defeat it since they don't have as much as we do," She responded.

"Okay, Kate can you go and get some supplies for the road while I get the guards to come with me," I instructed to her.

"Okay, my lord," she said leaving the room.

I wonder what has happened I thought to myself as I walked out the door towards the gruards area.

"Lady Irene, do you need anything," a guard asked me when I entered.

"Yes I need Garth and Lance. Do you know where they are?" I questioned them.

"Garth is up on the second floor and I don't know where Lance is," said the guard Vlad said pointing to the second floor.

"I'm right my lord," Lance said softly.

"Oh there you are Lance," I said turning around.

"So what did you need if I may ask my lady," Lance asked me with a smile.

"Hold on one second. GARTH GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" I yelled to the stairs leading up to the second floor.

"That was loud my lady, Now he couldn't have heard that," Lance replied covering his ears.

Then they heard an angry stomping coming down the stairs, "Who in the world yelled so loud. I was enjoying my peace!" Garth yelled.

As he said that I laughed, "Garth that was me because you, Lance, Kate, and I are going to a on of the other towns to help with a problem they have,"

"Oh, sorry, my lord," Gah said looking down in embarrassment.

"That's okay, but we need to leave now," I said thinking how much he had looked angry.

Just like that I grab both of them and ran out the door moving to where I told Kate to go.

Soon enough we got there and I saw Kate standing there.

" Irene what happened to them, they look like they were just in a fight," Kate said laughing through the whole thing.

"I grab them and ran with them here. So where are we going?" I asked her.

"We are going to our allie Sherwood Village," Kate answered still laughing.

"Okay, then let's go now," I said walking to the direction of the town.

It took us four days to get to the town and when we got there we were met by guards of the town.

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