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"I have many books about Illy and other things like her relm, her job, power, relationship with the other gods, and also about what happened to her!" she exclaimed in joy before going in to the library and coming back with a huge pile of books in her hands. "Here you go but some of them don't say that much just repeats the main things people know about her, but I have a hard time finding them so here are all of them," she said.

"Wow! That's a lot but can get the ones you know are the best ones for us to read," I said to her.

"Sure thing my lord," said Emma grabbing five books from the stack. "Two of them are just about her relationship with god and then the rest are about her power and what she did for everyone."

"Thanks," I said taking the books from her and leaving to go over to the creek where Aaron spends his free time at. Then I thought to myself, Aaron and I have become closer as friends but he still doesn't socialize much with anyone but me. He is really nice once you get to know him and I think I like him more then friends but I'm not going to say anything to anyone yet. Soon me and Kate got tpo the location to see Aaron sitting under a tree looking out at the water.

"Aaron we have something to do before I can train today," I said to him as he looked up to see us.

"Okay what is it," he said.

"Well lord Irene wanted to find out more about what the glowing object was in the realm and why Zane wanted it so badly," Kate stated.

"Okay so why don't we start now," I said sitting next to him and Kate sitting next to me, and begin reading the books I had gotten.

After two hours of reading we finished reading the books and came to an understanding of what the power was.

"She was one of the most powerful gods of all eight of them besides the god Shadow. Her power was of healing, regrowth, and finally creation," I said. "Her relationships with gods was good she loved Shadow the god of destruction but then two of the gods loved her also then they told her he was bad. Meaning the love they had turn into hate to the point she had to send her lover still to a realm of darkness after destroying him leaving his soul locked in there."

"Yeah sad but as a way of life it also said that she lost emotions due to that she was immortal and the others were not leaving her in the realm she made," Kate said.

"Well it also said she was waiting for someone to call her so she could come back to help leaving her memories in the realm," Aaron finished.

"Yeah well Aaron let's start to train now okay," I said to him.

"Sure," he replied back. It was a long night and I went to bed tried that day, but I knew the next few days will be important for me to get Lance back.

"Irne are you ready yet!" I heard Kate yelled.

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