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"Sure thing lord and my name is Lucy by the way," Lucy said.

"Kawaii is the only other baker in town and uses a lot of sugar and makes loads of sweets," I told her, "So you baking gives them some bread without sugar in it."

"Okay anything to help the other towns and this one," they said.

"Okay guys we need to meet Mike the farmer," I said. Then we walked to his farm.

"Hey guys," Mike said to us when we walked in.

"We are here to talk about the money you need," Lance said.

"Oh, that 's why you're here," he said, "Well I want to build a store to sell my food so I can make money and sell to other towns."

"Yes so how much do you think you need and how are you going to pay that back," Kate question him.

"I would need only $250 and would pay it with some of the money I make a month," he replied.

"Okay we will give you that as soon as possible," I said, "Bye."

"Bye," he said as we were walking out the gate.

"Okay now let's go to one of my friends I have made while here," I said.

"Sure thing my lord," Garth said with a little limp.

"Garth you know if you need to take a break then go back and rest we got this," I told him.

"No I'm fine okay nothing to worry about," he said counting to walk.

"Okay but if you do just tell us," I said to him.

"I'm fine okay just leave it," he shouted.

"OKAY I was just giving you the option," I said to him seeing that we were there already.

"I'm going to knock on the door," Kate told us.

"Okay sure thing," Lance said looking over towards us.

"Hey Kate I'm assuming you are here with others about the wedding," Chloe said.

"Yep we are," I said walking up to the door, "So who is it."

"Well it is the market owner Dave," she said smiling.

"Okay then what do you want us to do," I asked.

"For the wedding I don't know anyone who could get our flowers or the person to do the web part," she said, "But Kawaii is doing the cake and food, I have my dress, and I want you Irene to be my maid of honor."

"Yes! Thank you but I can deal with everything else that is needed to be done okay," I said to her.

"Thanks that would help a lot," she said.

"Okay bye," I said walking a way.

"Bye," she yelled back at us.

"Okay guys send letters out requesting a priest for a wedding," I commanded at Lance.

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