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"Okay then bye I have to get back home now," Kate said walking out the door and I went to bed falling asleep.

"IRENE WAKE UP," Kaye screamed.

"OKAY OKAY!," I shouted back aytb her getting up and walking out the door.

"Come on Garth wants to see Aaron again," Kate told me.

"Sure thing I will try and find him," I said, starting to walk to the woods.

"My lord I am already here," Garth said with Lance standing next to him.

"Oh okay the come on let's go now," I replied smiling walking to where I saw Aaron last.

"Who is there," Aaron yelled.

"It is me," I said to him.

"Oh okay Irene and friends," he said see Lance, Garth, and Kate behind me.

"Garth wanted to speak to you," I said pushing him in front of me.

"What did you want," Aaron said with an emotionless voice.

"Well I wanted to say sorry for two days ago," he said.

"No it is my fault for going that far on you when you haven't fought against anything that powerful," Aaron said.

"Are you calling me weak," Garth shouted.

"Garth clam down," I screamed at him.

"Your temper is also going to help you fail in a battle so keep it in check too," Aaron said to Garth me questioning if it was supposed to help him or not.

"That is not why I failed," Garth said.

"But Garth that could have been a small reason why," I said to him before slapping him.

"Sorry my lord Aaron is right I need to control my anger," Garth said to me.

"You see now isn't that better," Lance says to him.

"Yes it is," he says back.

"Now Aaron is this where you are living?" I ask him.

"Yes it is and I am happy here," he says clearly liking to be alone.

"Kate and Garth take Lance back so that he can Let his anger out in the room," I said seeing Garth's anger go to Lance.

"Why did you say that?" he asked with complete confusion.

"He is part darkness guard for the god of hate and destruction," I said.

"Oh so he has died before," he tells me.

"Yes he has," I sighed not wanting to talk about it.

"So you don't want to talk about it," he said.

"How did you know," I asked him wondering what he could have to know.

"They way you sighed I sigh like that all the time so yeah," he responded to it.

"Well I have to go now," I said and walked away heading straight to lucinda's house.

"Irene what are you doing here," she asked me.

"The potion for Lance," I said to her.

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