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"Well he needed help with his power and I needed help with learning what to do. So that's why I feel attached to him," I said to him,"But you wouldn't understand that."

"I do in a way," he said and just stat there in shock.

"So you going to tell me," I said.

"No but I'm going to tell you this I almost married and had a son bt thanks to Zane and my stupidity they died," he said to me.

"Wow I'm sorry," is all I could say.

"It happened now it is in the past," he said./ "anyway you need to practice in fighting what I know about you sa far is that you are going to want and get Lance back."

"Yes I would do anything," I replied.

"Okay then at 5:00 p.m. you will meet me by the river where you found the lilies," he said. "Then you are going to need to find whatever can reopen the portal."

"Yeah thanks," I said walking home.

It has been a few months and LUnicadia found something that could open it again. When we finally got I tried my best at opening it since I have learned to control my power.

"IRENE YOU NEED TO STOP!!" I heard Aaron shout before pulling me away.

"Why did you do that," I said.

"Because you could have killed yourself and the town needs you," he says.

"Okay I will stop for today," I say before passing out. The next thing I knew it I woke up in my house on my bed.

"What happened'" I said.

"Well you passed out," Kate said to me.

"How long have I been out for?" I asked her looking out the window to see daylight outside coming in my window.

"You were out four times a day at least," she told me. "Now come one we have to go and do the things you were supposed to do when you were passed out."

"Okay let's go because this week is very busy since we have to get Lace back and now that I think about it I need to know more about what happened in the realm," I said grabbing everything I would need that day.

"So what do you want to do first?" Kate asked me.

"Well first we need to get food from the store and then we can go to the librarian's house to see if she has anything that could help us," I told her already heading in the direction of the store.

"Okay let's go and Garth isn't going with you today because he wants to find anything about the power Zane has," Kate informed me. After spending a few minutes at the store buying everything we needed Kate and I walk to the librarian Emma's home.

"Lord Irene what are you doing here?" Emma asked me letting me and Kate come in.

"We are here to find more information about the god Illy and her power," Kaate told.

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