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"Yes and we have news," Dant said to his lord.

"All of the shapeshifters besides one were killed when they attacked us," Nicole told.

"How did that happen?" he asked.

"A strange person who do not know the name of came when we were losing badly killing them all and then left," Garth answered.

"So right now we are okay so you Irene and her friends can go back to your town," he said and we walked out the door heading back home.

When we got back from Sherwood Village everyone told me what has been going on lately than one of the guards saying that a day before we came back the attacks by monsters were coming dropping, so I went into the forest to see what was going on in the woods that was helping us. As I was walking I heard something in a bush that was loud and could have been anything. Just as I got over there a demon jumped out and I having my sword for protection against whatever could be there, "What in the world," I screamed grading my sword and fighting the demon. I was trying my best when I caught it off guard killing it. Once I had killed the demon I turn to see what it looked at and what I saw or who I saw I should say was the mysterious man from both attacks, wearing the exact same clothing in as he was before.

"You should be more careful because one day you might end up being killed yourself," he said.

"Oh you, what are you doing here, and thanks for the advice," I said to him with a shocked look on my face.

"Why I am here does not matter to you," he said starting to walk off.

"Wait don't leave couldn't you at least tell me your name and I think you should stay here for awhile and talk to everyone," I said to the man grabbing him by the wrist.

"My name is Aaron and I will only go for a few minutes before I go back to where I am staying,, so I can help your town out because you can not fight very well on your own," the guy named Aaron stated and followed me back to Drop of the Phoenix.

When we got there Kate came up to me without noticing the person standing behind me, "Hey your back, so did you find out what it was while you were gone?"

"Yes I did and there were some monsters I had to face," I said to her turning around to still Aaron standing there.

"Irene who is that behind you? It kind of looks like the guy from the woods," she asked me while placing her hand on her sword.

"Kate this is the person who helped us in the forest and he is the one who has been fighting the monsters we have," I said.

"Care to tell me your name," Kate said walking towards him.

"My name is Aaron," is all he said.

"Nice to meet you. Now Irene we need to go and talk with the guards about what happened, talk to the villagers to see if they need anything, and see if there is anything else going on," Kate said to me as I had already started walking to the guard house.

Only Time will TellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang