You're a Cloud

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"Hurry up, Sienna," Cole hisses. I roll my eyes and press the bomb to the pillar harder but it doesn't stick.

"I'm trying. Someone gave me faulty stickiness." I try different parts of the pillar but it still doesn't stick.

I'm under one of the Ravagers' safehouses. We've been blowing them up all day and this is the last one. We've made sure they've all been empty as to not... push me further into my bubble. Cole double checks just to make sure.

But, now I think I'm going to die. In deep in the middle of the house, I was the only that would fit, and the stupid bomb won't latch onto the beam.

Theo's voice rings in my ear, "The building will collapse in a minute."

"I know. I was there when you guys said it would." I know I'm being snappy. But, they're making the situation worse and I literally have a ticking time bomb in my hand.

"Guys, trust her. You got this, Pancake." I can practically hear Dean's smile. His encouragement courses through me but so does annoyance at being called the sticky treat.

"Thank you, Waffle," I say deciding to go along.

"Never mind, you definitely don't got this. You just called me Waffle. Is this your last stand speech?" Dean actually sounds worried and I'm offended.

"Dean, cut it out. Sienna what's wrong?" Of course Dom would be the only person to actually ask what's wrong.

"Well the bomb won't stick and I got thirty seconds," I say nonchalantly.

Multiple, incoherent voices overlap each other yelling. I can make out Dom's calm voice though and he says to drop it and leave.

I crawl through the other support beams, sneezing as dust and dirt get into my nose. I hear ticking getting faster and I try to crawl faster, but the voices in my ear aren't making it better. I rip my ear piece out with a huff and continue crawling. I pass by Dom's bomb and see that there's fifteen seconds left. I don't think about it and crawl, squinting when the sun gets brighter and brighter. I pull myself out from under the house and run towards the car. Even though I'm far from the house, the ticking continues. I look down in my hands to see that I forgot the "Drop it" part.

That's why it was so hard for me to crawl.

I skid to a stop a couple of feet away from the car. The guys are yelling and waving their arms comically. I laugh at them before turning around and throwing the bomb as far as I can. The bomb explodes 2 seconds after it leaves my hand. I fly backwards to the guys and land on top of them. They're groaning and cursing under me and I'm shaking with laughter. I try to hold it in, but it bursts out of me and I hold my stomach as tears fall out my eyes. Dom is the first one up, grabbing my hand and helping me up. His confused stare makes me laugh harder and I bend over letting sounds fall out my mouth.

"Princess?" Dom asks. I look up at him and can't get the smile from my face.

"I almost died," I giggle. I let out a dreamy sigh and my eyes fall shut. When I open them, Dom's glaring aggressively. When I turn to the guys behind me, they're all staring at me unhappily.

"You think thats funny?" Theo asks incredulously.

I shrug my shoulders as my smile finally dies down. "I thought it was pretty funny."

"Get in the car," Cole says turning to the car. Everyone files in with me in between Dean and Theo. On our way here, I was cuddled up with the two of them. Now, it's like I'm a disease and they're trying their hardest to not touch me.

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