Chapter 9 - The morning after...

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Tori started to wake up stretching on the mattress while searching for Jade's body with her hands, but she soon realized to be alone in bed. Her eyes immediately opened as she sat on the bed a bit worried, fearing to have dreamed everything about the previous night. But then she found herself naked in Jade's room and heard the sound of a shower coming from the Goth's bathroom, and quickly felt reassured. Realizing that her girlfriend had woke up earlier and that she was currently showering, Tori smiled laying back on the mattress to relax for a few more minutes. As she closed her eyes again images of the previous night kept flashing through her memory. She had enjoyed having sex with Jade more than what she could have ever imagined (which says a lot...), but in that moment, Tori's heart was beating fast in excitment because she was starting to remember that the dark haired beauty had admitted to be in love with her, after their passionate night.

Tori knew to be in love with Jade, that's why she had decided to be intimate with her. And when the Goth told her that she was in love with her too, Tori couldn't be happier. In fact Tori believed that having sex without love was pointless. She knew that many people especially at their age used to do that, a lot even, but it was something she could have never done. That's why she had preferred to wait to have sex until she was absolutely sure to have found a person she was in love with: a person she would have considered to be very special. Jade was that person for her. The Goth beauty was someone far better than her previous boyfriends. Not that those boys were that terrible, in fact Tori liked dating them. She even felt affection for them, but she was never sure to be really in love with those boys. That's why the Latina had never felt comfortable enough with them to decide to take their relationship to the next step. Tori wasn't sure to be really in love with them, because she was even less sure that those boys loved her back. In fact, back when she was dating them, she had sometimes the feeling that they just wanted to be with her because of her look, or because of her talent. They basically just wanted 'something' from her, and she had the confirmation of that, after she found out that Ryder was using her to get a good grade while Steven was cheating on her by dating Carly while he was with her (or maybe the other way around) with neither of the girls knowing anything about it. With Danny, she had decided to break things up simply because she was finding him to be too immature and therefore not the right person for her. When she had kissed him when he was dating Cat, she had done that just out of jealousy, something she wasn't proud of, but it was just jealousy for Tori, nothing else.

But with Jade... Ever since their first kiss it felt like they had been in love from ages. After that Tori knew that she loved Jade from probably the day she had helped her getting out of detention after the whole stage fighting matter. That was the first time she had started to see Jade in a new way... in that way... but she had done her best to pretend (even with herself) that her feelings and attentions for Jade were simply those she would have had for any other of her friends. Until the Platinum Awards at least. From that moment she couldn't deny to have feelings for the beautiful Goth anymore. And after finding out that Jade liked her back, when she had kissed her so eagerly and passionately on her couch, like she was also in love with her from a really long time, Tori knew that Jade was her right person. And now she was sure that their sex, the previous night, had been so beautiful and satisfying for the both of them, because they were in love with each other.

Tori blushed a bit thinking to have just lost her virginity having sex on a first date. Before Jade she had barely let her past boyfriends kissing her on her doorstep during a first date. But with Jade it was different, she wanted more from her. Afterall, Tori was thinking, she knew Jade from more than an year already. And before their romantic night, she had already 'dated' Jade at least one time, back when Sikowitz forced them to spend a whole night at Nozu just the two of them... Yeah that wasn't a real date, but she still felt closer to Jade after that night. Their relationship had not been very 'easy' most of the time, but now Tori was realizing that deep down, they probably always knew to have feelings for each other. But pretending to hate one another was certainly easier than admitting to be in love.

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