Chapter 20

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Your P.O.V

"So, how's been your day?" I ask moving the chess piece forward. "Nothing but boredom, been stuck in this damn cell reading a book. And staring at the dusty walls, with MP soldiers who are assholes." Annie replied sighing right after her answer then moved her white chess piece forward, I nodded at her answer looking at the game board thinking of my next move with my finger on my chin.

I moved a chess piece wracking Annie's chess piece off the board. She sighed heavily slightly slumping in her chair,"This is why I can't even play chess with you, you are too damn smart and I thought Armin was the only smart person..." Annie grumbled to herself about how she's going to lose to me...again.

I chuckled at her then wracked her last chess piece off the board. "And, I win." I said having a big toothy grin plastered on my face, Annie groaned chucking one of her game pieces at me. The chess piece wracked my forehead then landed on the table, I gave a weird face in Annie's direction scrunching my eyebrows "What the hell, what did my poor face do to you?" I ask slightly rubbing my sore forehead.

"Make me fall for you even more.." Annie mumbled to herself slightly blushing when I heard her. I stared at her then cleared my throat standing up cleaning up the game, "Sorry, I know my time with you was short. But you know how the guards get, plus I got to help the scouts with Eren's experiment." I answered before she asks why I'm leaving early.

After cleaning up I was about to walk out before Annie grabbed the sleeve of my (F/C) button up shirt. I looked down at her kinda confused,"Come visit when you have time," Annie said slightly pinching my cheek I smiled at her patting her head "Yeah I will, when I have time." I answered back saying my goodbyes then went heading to Levi's new squad.


To get a cabin out around the forest is a score if you ask me. While on my way to the small cabin I spot Mikasa and Christa, uh! Wait! Shit! My apologies I mean Historia out chopping wood more like Mikasa but you get my point. I pull my horse up to them to see if they want help or something, "Want help Ackerman and princess?" I ask dismounting my beautiful horse way more pretty then Jean's headass.

Mikasa nods putting the firewood she had in her hands in my arms, only to pick up more. I place the firewood on the back of my horse along with the other stuff, while walking back to the cabin me and Mikasa started small conversations trying to add Historia in it of course.

Ever since Ymir left Historia went quiet. She rarely ever talked just standing there with an emotionless face, I mean I know what's she going though but at least let me in and try to help you. It's frustrating I'll tell you, I try to help her and let her know I'm here for her but she distance herself from me being cold.

I think I pissed her off one time trying to talk to her, I was trying to help her but she told me to leave her alone and bitch slapped me across the face. Basically she was telling me to fuck off but somewhat nicer...somehow, we both almost got into a fight if Levi wasn't there to stop us from getting at each other's throats.

Since then we kinda just been...quiet and far away from one other. I'll catch her staring at me and she'll catch me staring at her, we made it to the small cabin and walked in with me carrying a bunch of stuff but wiped the dust and dirt off my boots at the door before walking in. I came in after Historia with Jean and Eren arguing like an old married couple, I placed the extra food and water supply I brought for them on the table along with the firewood down at the Stove.

"And before you ask, yes I wiped my boots at the front door before coming in." I said before Eren asked me with Levi wanting to be clean and all. "See horseface! (Y/N)'s was carrying more stuff then you but she still wiped the dust and dirt off her boots!" Eren yelled at Jean with horseface bickering at Eren again, Levi came in stopping the two from killing each Levi also wiped his hand under the table to find more dust.

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