Chapter 18

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It was Friday evening,
Jungkook got better and planned on visiting a certain place.

It was a cold, blue evening but warm long coats and clothes could cure that weather.

"Hey... it's been a while," Jungkook stands in front of the metal, cement carve covered with flowers,
"I miss you, every day. And I'm trying to move on."

Jungkook smiled thinking of the person who helped him move on.


"I have a.... a date, I guess..." Jungkook giggles recollecting Taehyung's texts, "With a person I really grew to like."

"But he can never replace you..."
Jungkook wiped away the tear that managed to escape his eye, seeing Park Jimin carved onto the grave.

"I know you won't like me tearing up in front of your grave like this, I'm sorry," He wiped off his tears,
"I just really miss you.''

"And I wanted to tell you that...
I think I'm falling for someone... he reminds me of you but more sillier."


Jungkook was returning back to his car from the graveyard, hands in his pocket, it was pretty cold and he forgot to bring his gloves.

He was going to unlock his car, but he heard someone crying loudly for a split second. He lifted his head up and tried to hear more, but he heard nothing.

He was about to leave, but curiosity got the best of him.

He went back inside the grave yard searching for any other people inside, but it was quite empty until he heard sobs coming from his side.

He followed the sound and saw a man on his knees, crying his eyes out in front of a grave. The man was not clothed appropriately for the weather, he might've been freezing.
He was just in a hoodie and jeans.

Jungkook went towards the man and as he got near, he noticed the blue hair poking out of the hood.

"Tae?" Jungkook made him face him.

As soon as he saw Taehyung's crying face covered with his tears. He removed his jacket and kept it on his cold figure.

"Come on, Tae, let's get you home... you're freezing..." Jungkook couldn't wait to ask what he was crying about due to Taehyung's shivering state.

Jungkook helped Taehyung into his car and glanced at the grave, the name carved on it was
Kim Taewong.


"What were you doing there, Tae?"
Jungkook handed his hot chocolate as he sat down next to Taehyung covered with numerous amounts of blankets by Jungkook and sat near the fire place.

"I need to tell you something..."
Taehyung hesitated, resulting in Jungkook moving closer to him and putting an arm around him in comfort.

"You can tell me anything, okay?"
Jungkook whispers.

"I... had a b-brother...."
Taehyung stuttered letting a tear slide down.

Jungkook questions.

"He was 4 years older than me.
When I was a freshman, my brother,
Kim Taewong, he brought a guy home to my parents..."

"Mm.. " Jungkook listened to him,
marking the name Kim Taewong to the grave.

"My parents didn't like how close they were, so close that it won't be considered just friends...they were dating. And they were planning on taking the next step to tell my parents." Taehyung continued, "but, our parents were highly against it. They kicked the guy out of the house and locked my brother in his room.
I heard him cry every night in his room, I went near him and comforted him as much as possible.
But then one day, after I came back from school, he wasn't there at home. My parents said he went to a conversion centre."

"Conversion centre? Like the place where they forcefully make you straight. Like change your sexuality?" Jungkook mentions.

"Yeah... And... In a few weeks, we got a call from the centre... Saying that... Hyung...." Taehyung burst into tears.

"It's okay, it's okay...." Jungkook hugs his figure tightly.

"h-he killed himself... he left us...
It was all my parent's fault... I blamed them. I blamed them so much, I even called the cops. But they said that he committed suicide due to personal reasons... but I didn't believe them. I told my mom and dad to stay away from me... So they moved out to some other place...
Since then, I stay here... alone. They send in money and come to meet me once in while but barely.... then the only people I had was Y/n.... So I got all protective around her... Then she went too... I just couldn't... I don't have anyone.... that's why I drink everyday... to just forget about everything.... I'm just all alone...."
Taehyung cried into Jungkook's chest.

"You have me, Taehyung.... I'll never leave you. Jungkook caressed his hair gently, calming his cries.

"Don't leave me..." Taehyung called.

"I would never."
Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead.

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