Part 2

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When he finally calmed down, Skeppy went back to his desk to make a video. 'I guess I could do some server trolling,' he thought. However, a message from Bad stopped him in his tracks:

BadBoyHalo (15:49): The room is still available if you want it. Don't be such an awkward muffin, get back to me when you can ❤️

His breathing sped up and he started to hyperventilate. He was beyond excited to meet Bad, but he wanted to play it cool. He replied as nonchalantly as he could, trying to play off his panic earlier.

Skeppy (18:23): Okay yeah, sure. When can I move in?

BadBoyHalo (18:25): Whenever you want. Are you feeling okay now?

Skeppy (18:25): Tomorrow then, cya. K bye

BadBoyHalo (18:26): SKE. P!! Things like this need to be planned, you can't just rock up out of the blue. Anyway, don't think I didn't notice you avoiding my question!

Bad sat waiting for a reply, but none came. Sighing, he conceded and messaged Skeppy again.

BadBoyHalo (18:46): Fine, I'm cleaning your room now for you to move in tomorrow. See you then...

Bad rolled his eyes and shut off his computer. It wasn't a toaster, but close to it, so it took ages. 'I wish I wasn't such a pushover,' he thought whilst he waited, 'Skeppy knows just how to push my buttons and get his own way.' He supposed that was a good thing though, as at least he was going to be roommates with someone who knew him well.

After cleaning the apartment from top to bottom and making Skeppy's bed, Bad was so exhausted he just wanted to go to sleep. He undressed and went to bed in only a tight pair of boxer shorts (after all it was a warm night), drifting off to sleep on top of his bedcovers.

Skeppy lay staring at his ceiling, unable to stop his thoughts from racing. He couldn't sleep; all of his clothes were packed and he had rung his landlord to cancel his current tenancy, but he still felt anxious and worried.

A thought struck him as he lay in the darkened room: maybe he was worried about the other half of his journey - moving in with Bad. Yes, he'd seen pictures of him before, but would connecting a real person to the voice he knew so well change things?

'Don't be silly,' he thought dismissively, 'Bad won't change at all. Anyway, so what if he's cute? I can still troll a cutie-' He sat bolt upright, unnerved. Where on Earth did that come from?

He pushed all thoughts of Bad from his mind, trying to sleep and escape his weirdness before. Eventually he did fall asleep, but his dreams were full of Bad and himself together in an apartment. So much for escaping...


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

Firstly, thank you for reading Part 2 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part - hopefully I will finish it today! 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


Also... Tight boxer shorts specifically and nothing else ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) any guesses for the next part?

Bashful - A Skephalo Story ❤️Where stories live. Discover now