Part 34

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Zak and Darryl fell quickly back into their usual routine, trolling each other and filming videos. They helped each other to edit and then they would spend the rest of the day doing something together. Several months passed, and Darryl completely forgot about Zak's house share idea.

One day, when they were in Teamspeak talking to Vincent, Zak brought it back up again. Vincent had been telling them how hard he was finding long distance with Dave, and how much they missed each other.

Zak felt sorry for him, and he thought it would be perfect for everyone. "Well," he hedged, "I kind of have an idea. We can get a big 5 bedroom house, then a bunch of us all move in together. You get to move in with Dave, and we all get quality content."

There was a pause, then Vincent asked, "Who would be in the house?"

"Me and Darryl, you and Dave, Spifey, Zelkam and Dream," Zak shrugged. "Darryl, can you come to my room please?"

"Okay...?" Darryl replied uncertainly, muting his mic and coming to sit on the edge of the guest bed. "What do you want, muffin?"

"Nothing, I just want to talk to you properly." Zak pulled him onto his chair and sat on his lap, looking into his eyes. "Do you still not want to do this?" He asked quietly, tracing his fingertips on Darryl's neck.

"I - I don't know..."

"Please?" Zak widened his eyes, resting their foreheads together.

"Ugh, fine!" Darryl grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Yesss!" Vincent's voice burst through the speakers, making them both jump.

"Jesus, dude! Your mic is so loud," Zak complained.

"Oh - sorry," Vincent cleared his throat awkwardly. "So, are we dragging the others in here or...?"

"Good point." Darryl started pulling everyone into the channel, but he couldn't find Zelkam anywhere. "Is Zelk not on?"

"-and then they just fell off the edge! What a noob," Spifey gloated. Realising he'd been moved channels, be demanded, "What do you guys want now?!"

"Nothing, nothing!" Zak called Zelk's mobile and spammed for him to get on Teamspeak. "We'll explain in a second, not everyone's here yet."

When Zelk finally got on, he was dragged in straight away. "Whoa- there's a whole party in here, how come I wasn't invited?" He joked.

"You were, you just took ages to get on, nerd," Dave retorted sarcastically.

"Hey, stop bickering, you idots," Zak sighed. "We've got something important to talk to you about." He started to explain everything, Darryl chipping in to fill in the gaps he left. When they were done, there was a beat of silence, then everyone started talking at once.

"Gah, my ears!" Vincent complained grumpily.

"Well, I'm in, I guess," Dream volunteered. "My lease runs out in a week anyways."

"Well, I mean... do we get to look at houses to find the right one, or will it just be any with the right amount of rooms?" Zelk asked, yawning slightly.

"It'll be hard to find somewhere with 7 bedrooms and thick walls, a good kitchen, all of that stuff," Spifey complained. "We probably can't be too picky-"

"It's 5 rooms, so we'll have a lot more choice," Zak interrupted impatiently.

"... Oh. Well, I guess it's kind of obvious you and Bad are sharing a room now I think about it. But who else is sharing?"

"I'm sharing with Da- er, Techno," Vincent stated, adding casually, "so as long as at least two of the rooms have double beds, it's fine." The others' shock lay heavy in the air as they digested the new information.

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