Part 30

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Vincent knocked on Darryl and Zak's door timidly. He'd avoided them all day, but now he wanted to apologise. There was no answer, so he knocked harder. Putting his ear to the door, he was greeted with a deathly silence.

"I don't think they're in," he shrugged, turning to face Dave.

"You're not getting away that easily," Dave sighed, "let me call them and ask where they are. Zak's phone automatically picks up when I ring, give me a second."

"How is that even a thing?! And how do they know you're on the phone if it's not next to their ear?"

"Some sort of favourites setting. And it puts me on speaker. Now shut up, nerd." Dave wrapped one arm around Vincent's waist and dialed Zak's number. After three rings, the line connected.

Some very loud... noises started playing from Dave's phone and he hastily hung up, blushing furiously. Clearing his throat and looking away, he muttered, "They're a bit, um- busy."

Vincent burst out laughing. "Your face!" He giggled, holding his sides. He smirked, announcing triumphantly, "I guess I am getting off that easily."

"No way," Dave grumbled, leaning his head on Vincent's. "Anyway, from the, um... volume they were going about things, they can't be in their room. I think they've left to stay somewhere else."

"I don't care," Vincent mumbled, standing on his toes to kiss Dave on his cheek. "We've been slipping and falling down snowy slopes for the whole day, and our warm bed sounds like the best thing in the world right now. We can sort things out tomorrow." Slipping out of Dave's arms, he unlocked their door and started hunting for his pajamas. Giving up, he yanked his clothes off and crawled under the covers naked.

Dave started to change into some pajama bottoms, but Vincent growled at him. "Don't you dare," he raised his eyebrows cheekily, climbing out from the covers to grab Dave's hands. Chucking the pajamas into the corner of the room, he pulled him under the covers with him.

"The maid must have been in our room," Dave whispered, spooning Vincent in his arms, "they've changed to clean sheets."

"How long do they have to stay clean?" Vincent joked, turning to run his fingertips across Dave's chest. He felt Dave poking his thigh and sniggered. "Both your hands are up here," he held them, "so what was that?"

"The same thing as yours," Dave replied, leaning in to kiss him gently. Their lips moved in a familiar pattern, finding their rhythm and slotting together perfectly.

Vincent's breathing sped up as he urgently mashed his lips into Dave's. He drew the kiss out as long as he could, until he could see nothing but stars, then broke off, panting. "I love you," he murmured, laying his head on Dave's chest. All he received was silence, and he looked up, worried. "Did I do something wrong?" He started to roll back onto his side of the bed, but strong arms clamped around him.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. That's the first time... you said you loved me." Dave's heart was melting, and he held Vincent tight.

"That's not true! I said I love - baguettes. Oops..." Vincent put his mouth to Dave's ear. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I also love baguettes, but somehow you've done the impossible and made me care about you more than them." He nestled into the hollow of Dave's neck, laying beside him and holding his hand.

"What a scammm," Dave complained, crossing his arms.

"How is that a scam?!" The hurt was clearly visible in Vincent's eyes.

"Because," he explained, "I was having fun before. How come you've gone all soppy on me? I love you too, but what happened to sexy Vincent?"


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