Mini Story - by Bell ❤️

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This piece is actually written by a good friend of mine, AkaciaWood. Without her, the story wouldn't be where it is today, so special thanks to her for everything <3

It's too good to not be shared, so here's her version of what happens, inspired by Part 44!

(The final part for Bashful will be up in 5 minutes, don't panic! xx)


Zak shifted uncomfortably in his bed. He shivered, pulling the blanket closer over his body. It felt so cold. He decided to get up and grabbed a hoodie and a extra blanket, hoping this would warm him up. Usually a hoodie would make him feel engulfed in warm softness, but this time it didn't work. Nothing could replace Darryl's warm embrace. The bed just felt so awfully empty. Zak's body was aching for Darryl's touch and he couldn't find peace. Zak kept moving around in the bed, unable to find a comfortable position. It was only in Darryl's arms that he felt truly at peace and safe. Now he just felt lonely and cold. He missed him so much.

Zak woke up from the sun's rays brushing lightly against his face. He opened his eyes tiredly and checked the time. It was only 7 o'clock. Today was such a big day and it almost didn't feel real. He closed his eyes again and let his head fall against the pillow. He wanted to sleep a little more but he really couldn't. He was too excited about what was yet to happen today, and he missed Darryl an incredible amount, even though it had only been one night. Reluctantly he got up from the bed and walked carefully into the kitchen. After all, it was still early and he did not want to wake anyone else. To his great surprise, he found Jacob already sitting there at the kitchen table. He was looking at his phone while drinking a cup of coffee.

"Up already?" Jacob raised an eyebrow.

"I couldn't sleep very well" Zak muttered, shrugging.

"Awww, did you miss Darryl so much?" Jacob smirked. Zak just sighed tiredly and then turned to pour a cup of coffee for himself as well.

Bashful - A Skephalo Story ❤️Where stories live. Discover now