Part 36

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Darryl woke to a silent house. Yawning and gently moving Zak out of his arms, he padded down into the kitchen by himself.

There were absolutely no signs of life downstairs. Flicking on the kettle and making himself a cup of tea, he sat down and scrolled through Twitter.

Not long after, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs and turned. Zak appeared in the doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Morning, muffin," Darryl called, pouring him a mug of tea as well.

Zak just groaned, sitting on Darryl's lap and nestling into his arms.

"Did you not sleep very well?" Darryl murmured, wrapping his arms around him. Zak shook his head and he smiled wryly. "You're being a bit of a drama queen, though."

Huffing, Zak hopped off of his lap and stood on the other side of the kitchen, frowning. "What do you mean I'm a drama queen?!"

Darryl just giggled, getting up too. He lunged at Zak, who dodged past and started to run away into the living room. Chasing him down, he rounded the corner and caught him in his arms. They toppled over, falling onto a nearby beanbag in a heap.

"Ow..." Zak rubbed his arm where it had hit the coffee table.

"Oh, sorry," Darryl mumbled sheepishly, "are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay!" Zak grumbled. "But I'll forgive you if you help me make some pancakes," he winked.

"Deal." Getting up, Darryl went back into the kitchen to find the right ingredients. The others were sat at the table chatting.

"You woke us up," Spifey rolled his eyes from the mug cupboard.

"I thought there was a herd of elephants downstairs," Dream laughed.

"Oh... did we really make that much noise?" The five of them nodded and he blushed, looking away. "Sorry..."

"It's fine," Zelk shrugged, grinning, "but we'll take you up on the pancake offer as well."

"Pancakes? Have you started without me?" Zak wandered back in, waving to the others as he grabbed a big saucepan from the rack.

"No, I haven't started." Darryl crossed his arms firmly. "And everyone can help, instead of going on your phones. Dream is on drinks, Spifey you can get out the ingredients, and Zelk you make the batter. We'll cook them, and you two," he gestured at Dave and Vincent, "can set the table. Okay?"

Dream rolled his eyes. "And since when do we listen to you, Bad?"

"Since he agreed to make pancakes for everyone," Zak snapped, tensing. "Why are you being such an asshole to Bad?"


"Not now," Zak laughed, slipping his hand into Darryl's. Dream's eyes flickered downwards and he clenched his fists. Storming out, he slammed the door behind him and thundered up the stairs.

Nobody spoke for a moment. Then they all got started on their jobs, feeling subdued. "What's his problem?" Zak muttered, thumping the flour onto the bench.

"I don't know... but it's not worth fussing over," Dave announced, starting the drinks instead.

"Yeah, screw him." Zak leaned against the table, watching Spifey dump all the ingredients in a bowl. Once Zelk had mixed everything together, he took the bowl and poured some into Darryl's pan. They worked together, creating pancake after pancake until there was a massive pile. Plonking them down in the middle of the table, they sat down.

Everyone tucked in, chatting and laughing as they passed around sugar and lemon, syrup and Nutella. By the time the pancakes were gone they were all stuffed, groaning as they drank their mugs of tea.

"Whose idea was it to make that many?!" Vincent complained, holding his stomach dramatically. The others laughed and he smiled, getting up to do the dishes. Dave followed, grabbing a tea towel to dry them. He was really happy that Vincent had eaten so much, but of course he didn't say anything.

"You guys want to make a vlog of the house then?" Zak asked, pulling a camera off of the top shelf.

"Sure." As Zak started recording, Darryl balanced a jar of JIF on the top of his head.

"Hey!" Grabbing him by the arm, Zak pinned him against the wall and shoved the jar down his top. "You can keep your JIF, idot."

Darryl protested loudly, retaliating and bringing the others into the fight. The vlog took off, and they joked and teased each other as they filmed their day.

From his room, Dream could hear the laughter and general happiness downstairs. He felt upset that nobody had come to check on him, but it was kind of his own fault. He didn't know what had come over him before - and he refused to think about it. Sighing, he hugged his knees to his chest and looked out of the window. If nobody cared about him enough to see if he was okay, then so be it. 'I don't care. I'm fine in here, I can record some videos,' he tried to convince himself. Getting up to go to his computer, he changed his mind and sat back down abruptly.

The thing is, he did care - and he cared a lot...


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 36 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


This is completely different to the version that got deleted. I'm actually so mad at myself, smh...

Thank you to KokoaCat for sharing my story with so many others! I really appreciate it ❤️

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