Part 29

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"So, what do you want to do today?" Zak asked, grinning as he nestled his head in Darryl's neck.

"Well, for starters I'm hungry," Darryl shrugged, "so we could go get some breakfast."

"Oh, okay..." Zak's smile disappeared and he slipped on a pair of trainers, nodding.

"Hey, what's up, muffin? Don't you want to get food before we do anything?"

"Mhm," Zak took Darryl's hand, trying to smile. "Can we get cheesy fries?"

"What?! No way, you idot! You can't have fries for breakfast," Darryl frowned, seeing Zak's disappointment and feeling guilty. "Well," he reasoned, "maybe we could... no."

Sensing Darryl's indecision, Zak's head whipped round so their eyes met. "Please," he pleaded quietly, his eyes wide and sad. He looked like a lonely puppy, all innocent and forlorn.

Darryl sighed wearily, scruffing Zak's hair. "Fine, I guess we could get fries."

"YESSSS!" Zak punched the air triumphantly, sticking his tongue out at a shocked Darryl. "You suck at holding your ground. Although," he smirked, "I guess that's a good thing for me."

"Zak, you muffin! Oh my goodness, I thought you were actually upset! That's not fair, I couldn't say no."

"It's not my fault I'm so irresistible," Zak joked, pulling them out of the door and down to the restaurant. "Two cheesy fries, please," he told the server, pulling a face at Darryl.

Groaning, Darryl watched as they made up two boxes of fries and Zak seized them, paying and running off to a table by the window. Following behind, he couldn't help but laugh at how happy Zak was. They ate their surprisingly good fries, chatting and trying to decide what to do.

"We could go back to our room," Zak wiggled his eyebrows, giggling.

"Oh yeah? And what would you have in mind?"

Zak stood up and advanced on Darryl, straddling him so they were facing each other. Their faces were level for once, which made Darryl laugh. Zak pulled away, annoyed.

"No, come back, shorty," Darryl sniggered, kissing his nose. Zak huffed, rolling his eyes, but he kissed him all the same.

"Get a room!"

They broke apart, looking around sheepishly. An old man was scowling at them, shaking his head.

"Homosexuality is a sin, and God hates you for it!" He wheezed, red in the face. "Have fun in hell!"

Zak looked at Darryl in shock. Then he smiled, leaning back in. "At least we're going to the same place," he tugged Darryl's chin so their lips met again.

"I'll see you there," Darryl breathed, eyes bright. He took Zak's hand and they stood up, walking past the man with their heads held high. "Fuck you, have a nice day," Darryl called over his shoulder brightly, heading towards the stairs.

Zak giggled, glancing at Darryl out of the corner of his eyes. "I knew there was a reason I'm going out with someone so think skinned."

"Thanks," Darryl retorted sarcastically. He opened their room door and they walked inside, still holding hands. "What do you want to do now?"

"Nothing." Zak shrugged and sat on the sofa, getting out his phone and opening Twitter. Darryl's hurt and surprise was obvious, but Zak just continued to type away at his phone, ignoring him. After about ten minutes of this, he slid his phone away and walked back to the door without a word. Darryl didn't move, so he grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs.

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