Part 37

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By the evening, Dream couldn't hide in his room anymore. He hadn't eaten all day, and he was starving. Slowly opening his door, he checked the landing was empty and snuck down the stairs. Going into the kitchen, he put his phone on the side and started opening random cupboards. He found some Coco Pops and put them in a bowl. As he went to get milk from the fridge, he noticed a figure in the doorway.

"Have you calmed down now?" Darryl asked, wandering in and sitting at the table.

Sighing and bringing his bowl to sit down too, Dream answered, "Yeah, I have."

For a minute or two, the only sounds were that of Dream crunching his cereal. Then, in a small voice, Darryl asked, "What do you have against me?"

Turning red, Dream looked at the table. "I don't have anything against you," he mumbled, "it's just..." His eyes watered and he closed them quickly, but a single tear escaped. He felt a pair of arms wrapping hesitantly around his shoulders and looked up sharply.

Darryl had moved his chair around to give him a hug, and was patting his back awkwardly. "Just... what?"

"I... no. Forget it."

"Please? What's wrong, Dream?" Darryl leant forwards so their eyes met.

"My name's Clay."

Sighing, he tried again. "Please, Clay, tell me what's wrong. I don't know why you're acting like this, and I want to help if something's up."

"There's nothing, really. I'm just... I'll stop, okay? I'm sorry," Clay shrugged, getting up and dumping his bowl in the sink. Trudging back upstairs, he locked his room door behind him and went back to his computer.

Darryl put his head in his hands. He didn't know why someone would be so angry at him for no reason. Somebody ruffled his hair and he looked up, confused.

Zak met his gaze, smiling and climbing onto his lap. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I was just talking to Clay, that's all."

"Clay?" Zak put his hand on Darryl's cheek, looking concerned. "Who's Clay?"

"Oh yeah. Um, Dream said to call him Clay. He came down for food just now, and he looked upset, but I couldn't get him to tell me what was wrong." Slipping his arms around Zak's waist, Darryl hugged him tight.

"Oh. I'm sure he'll come around," Zak murmured, resting their foreheads together. "Anyway, have you seen how good your server looks?"

"What do you- ZAK! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Taking off upstairs, Zak burst into his office and locked the door behind him. He heard Darryl thundering into their room and giggled, sitting at his desk to admire his handiwork. The entire of Munchy MC's KitPvp server was covered in diamonds, TNT and every ugly block he could think of. He saw BadBoyHalo appear on the tab list and immediately he was teleported to him. The chat was full of messages spamming for him to join Teamspeak.

Joining Darryl's channel, he laughed as he was immediately screamed at. Leaving again, he sent a message to him, talking into his mic as he typed.

Fefe (10:22): if your not goingto be polikfe im nfor coming back in


BadBoyHalo (10:25): Skeppy I swear to goodness if you're not in this channel in the next 5 SECONDS I'm going to lick down your door

Fefe (10:26): you're going to likc my doror? LIK ANS SUB RN OR DIED


Fefe (10:26): that's not very nice

Fefe (10:26): say sorry

BadBoyHalo (10:27): sorry. Now GET IN HERE or I'll break down your door and strangle you!

Fefe (10:27): sounds fun ;)

BadBoyHalo (10:28): oh my goodness...


"Skeppy," Darryl growled, "fix this RIGHT NOW!"

"No." Zak muted his mic, laughing as Darryl sputtered in disbelief.

"What do you mean no?!"

"You're being a meanie," he sniggered,  selecting as much of the map as he could for a world edit.

Sighing heavily, Darryl lowered his voice. "Skep, can you... please... put my server back-" he gasped as his whole screen went red. Flying up, he saw the massive rectangle of lava Zak had created all around spawn. "SKEPPY! PUT IT BACK RIGHT NOW! YOU'RE KILLING ALL OF MY PLAYERS!"

"And your point is...?"

"My point- oh my GOODNESS! If you don't fix my server right now, I'll - then I'll..."

"You'll do what, Bad?" Zak taunted, giggling.

"I'll... I won't speak to you. Ever again!"

"At this point that would be a blessing." Zak didn't laugh, staying serious to see Darryl's reaction. He was met with absolute silence.

After a minute or two, he was getting worried. Muting his mic, he quickly did an outro and then undid everything. Nervously crossing the landing and going into their bedroom, he saw Darryl sitting on the bed, his headphones discarded on the desk.

Glancing up at the movement, Darryl met Zak's eyes quickly then looked away, crossing his arms. "Go away."


His head whipped around and he watched Zak walk out easily. Hugging his knees to his chest, he tried not to let the waves of hurt he felt take over. Zak's arms snaked around his waist and he turned, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Don't tell me to go away if you obviously don't want me to," Zak murmured in his ear, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"You know I didn't mean that, right?" He pulled on Darryl's chin lightly so their eyes met. "Besides," he smirked, "it would have been a better threat if you'd said no sex ever again."

"Is that all I am to you?" Darryl mumbled, tensing.

"No," Zak rolled his eyes, "stop being so insecure, idot. I wasn't bothered by you not talking to me because I know you wouldn't be able to do it anyway. You're too much of a softie for that." He leaned closer, kissing him lightly.

"I'm not soft," Darryl argued, "I'm hardcore!"

"Oh really?" Zak raised his eyebrows suggestively, sneaking his hands underneath Darryl's shirt. He traced circles on his chest, connecting their lips again.

"Yes, really," Darryl whispered, pulling Zak onto his lap. They pressed their bodies together, falling backwards onto the pillows. They started pulling each other's clothes off, their mouths wandering eagerly.

Zak broke off, giggling. "I don't know about hardcore," he gestured downwards, "but there's definitely something hard..."


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 37 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


My heart hurts, poor Clay ❤️

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