Part 26

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Darryl and Zak looked at each other in shock. They hadn't even noticed their two best friends getting together. "How did we not see that coming?" Darryl asked, shaking his head.

Zak shrugged, smiling slightly. "I guess we were a bit too..." He cleared his throat, turning red, "busy last night."

Darryl blushed too, looking at their decapitated snowman. "You know," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "I liked being distracted quite a lot."

"Calm down, you idot," Zak giggled, picking up the snowman's head. He stuck it back on the best he could, sticking the carrot and stones back in one by one. Standing back to look at it, he frowned. The snowman looked like its face had been run over.

Darryl turned away, trying to hide his laughter. Zak saw and barrelled into him, knocking both of them into a pile of snow. "How dare you laugh at my snowman?! He's beautiful - ish," he winked, nuzzling into Darryl's neck as clouds of white flew around them.

"Okay sure, muffin," Darryl murmured, wrapping his arms around Zak and kissing his forehead. Zak started to shiver, so they headed inside and to their room.

Grabbing Darryl's hand, Zak headed to the bedroom. "I'm cold," he whined, putting on pajamas and burrowing under the covers. Darryl joined him, and they snuggled together.

"You're not even cold," Darryl joked, pulling Zak's mouth to his. He felt freezing blocks of ice on his feet, and jumped back, gasping.

Zak growled mockingly. "Say sike right now," he pulled their lips back together, taking his cold feet off of Darryl's.

This time, Darryl pulled away voluntarily. "Sike?" He asked, confused.

Zak scowled, closing his eyes. "You can't be serious. I'm too tired for your pinecone brain..." Yawning, he lay his head on Darryl's chest and they drifted off to sleep.

Not half an hour later, their door creaked open. Dave and Vincent peeked around the edge, creeping in when they saw the others were asleep. Pulling out cans of whipped cream and Sharpies, they began to spray and doodle to their hearts' content. They started to laugh quietly, then louder, forgetting to be careful.

Darryl stirred, opening his eyes. He could smell alcohol, and he had no idea why. He spotted Vincent, crouching on the floor and sniggering. "Wha- why are you in our room?!" Zak jumped, groaning, and he grimaced. "Sorry, I forgot you were asleep. Vincent's in our room, and he scared me."

Zak's eyes widened and he held his breath. "You look... so ridiculous!" He choked out, turning to grin at Vincent.

"You look the same, flip flop," Dave smirked.

"You're here too??" Darryl demanded. "Both of you, get out!"

Vincent shrugged, smiling evilly. "Okay fine, our work here is done anyway." With that, they took off down the corridor back to their room, cackling crazily.

Zak turned to Darryl in the following silence, smiling sheepishly. "You've got glasses, a monobrow and a tacky moustache," he kissed him, then pulled back sharply. "And you taste like chemicals."

"Well at least I don't have a penis on my forehead," Darryl remarked, giggling as he headed to the sink to wash his face. Turns out the alcohol smell was from thick black marker, streaked all over his face.

"I wouldn't speak too soon," Zak called, wiggling his hips jokingly as he started to wash his face too.

"Actually," Darryl stopped him, "hold on a minute." He disappeared into their bedroom, returning with his phone. They took pictures of themselves together in the mirror, looking absolutely crazy. After that, they cleaned themselves up and headed back to bed, cuddling again.

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