Part 6

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Darryl woke early the next morning, probably because of the amount of sleep he got in the days before, but he didn't want to get up. He knew if he tried to extricate himself from his and Zak's tangle of limbs, he would wake him up.

Instead he was happy to lie with Zak and savour the memories from last night. When his mind relived a particularly pleasurable part of the evening, his body reacted physically.

Zak stirred, turning to face him sleepily. "Care to explain why I was woken up by a boner up my arse?" He giggled.

Darryl tried to look away to hide his blush, but Zak gently turned his chin back to face him, curiosity bright in his eyes. "Well, umm..." he was mortified, but he knew Zak would get it out of him one way or another, "I was actually thinking about last night." He quickly buried his face in his pillow, ashamed.

"Oh!" Zak exclaimed, bursting into fits of giggles.

"What's so funny?" Darryl demanded indignantly.

Through his laughter, Zak replied, "I'll give you one guess to what I was dreaming about!"

"Oh..." the bump in Darryl's shorts got harder. "I'm not quite sure, maybe you'll have to show me to jog my memory," he remarked cheekily.

Zak gave Darryl his best Down-Boy look. "Maybe later, but right now I'm starving. You may not remember the last two days, buy my stomach sure as hell does!" With that, he got up and wandered into the kitchen.

By the time Darryl had showered and dressed, there was a plate of steaming pancakes waiting for him. "Wow," he commented, "how come you're suddenly able to cook?"

Zak just shrugged and started singing, "It must be love, love, love," but he stopped abruptly when he noticed Darryl had changed and freshened up. "You had a shower?" He accused.

"Yes. And your point is...?"

He didn't answer, looking a bit put out, and tucked into his pancakes. 'What was that for?' Darryl wondered.

When they had finished, Darryl started to do the washing up. When he was done he felt two arms snake around his waist.

"Tell me then, exactly how clean are you, Darryl?" Zak whispered enticingly.

"If you're suggesting I join you, then I'm the dirtiest man alive," he replied, spinning round to kiss him gently.


Zak grabbed Darryl's hand, pulling him into the bathroom with him eagerly. He closed the door, advancing on him like a hunter to its prey, and kissed his neck slowly and tenderly. Then he pulled his shirt off over his head and, turning away from Darryl, unbuckled his belt, letting his shorts fall to the ground. Summoning up all of his courage, Zak tugged on his boxers and let them fall to his ankles, too. Completely naked, he retreated behind the shower curtain, not daring to look behind him.

It's just as well he didn't, as Darryl had just been openly staring at his arse. He didn't know quite what to do, still standing shyly by the door.

The silhouette behind the shower curtain spoke. "You coming in anytime soon?" Zak taunted, with the tiniest hint of worry in his voice.

That was enough to jolt Darryl into action. "Challenge accepted," he replied, grinning. He whipped his shirt off over his head and shoved down his shorts and boxers, eager to put Zak's mind at ease. He took a deep breath and moved the shower curtain to the side, joining him under the warm water.

They stood there for a few seconds, unsure of what to do next, then their eyes began to wander... and funnily enough, they both got hard. Zak moved closer and whispered, "Snap," his eyes alight.

Darryl slammed him against the tiled wall, searching for his mouth, connecting and matching his rhythm. They frantically kissed until he saw stars (extra ones) and had to break off for air, dizzy. The only sounds were their ragged breathing and the steady falling of water. "I love you," Darryl whispered, "you're so beautiful, you know that?"

"I love you too," Zak whispered back, "and you're not too bad yourself," he teased. He may have been joking, but he had never felt happier that he did right then.

Zak pounced on Darryl with new enthusiasm, desperate for more, and they stumbled, toppling backwards. Darryl landed hard on his arse, and he landed in his lap.

"Oh my goodness, you dirty muffin! That was a cunning plan," Darryl grinned from under him.

Zak balked. "No, I swear it was an accident! Are you okay? Did you hurt your-" he burst into laughter.

"You want to check it's all in one piece?" He suggested, raising an eyebrow.

If it was actually possible at this point, Zak got even harder. "Well, I'm no expert..." he whispered.

Darryl was about to think of a witty comeback when Zak grabbed his arse, hard. He squeaked in pleasure, his breath coming short and fast. He panted and moaned as Zak traced the lines of his pelvis, watching his pupils dilate. Zak gently got off of Darryl's lap and placed a hand on his penis. He began to tease the tip with his finger, then started to slowly rub it up and down, getting progressively quicker and more frantic as he watched Darryl, figuring out the sweet spot...

Darryl's eyes rolled back in their sockets and he let out a loud, long groan, shooting cum onto Zak's chest. He fell limply against the side of the shower, feeling utterly blissed out.

Zak smirked smugly, returning to Darryl's lap with satisfaction. He watched as Darryl slowly came back to Earth, then started kissing him again, more slowly this time. They connected their bodies everywhere they could, meshing into one, and carried on like that for some time.

They got out later only because the hot water had ran out, and Zak had started to shiver. If not for that, they probably could have stayed there for days.

When Zak was dressed again, he headed ruefully to his desk, knowing he needed to record. He had a really good session though, and managed to gather about four videos' worth of content. 'More time with Darryl,' he thought as he brought up his editing software to get a video ready for tonight's upload.

After two and a half hours, the video was fully edited and uploaded to YouTube. Zak scrolled down his feed, noticing he hadn't trolled Darryl recently. He put it on his mental to-do list and shut off his computer, walking to Darryl's room.

He stripped to his boxers and climbed in beside Darryl, who was already gently snoring. 'Well,' he thought wryly, 'it looks like I tired him out earlier.'


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 6 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


Oooh my god, that was interesting to write.... I feel so uncomfortable
\( °□° )/

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