Part 35

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Zak and Darryl got to the new house first. They claimed the biggest room, unpacking all of their things and making the bed, then sat and chatted for a while. Hearing a knock on the front door, Zak got up to go answer it.

Dream was there, lugging two massive cases up the driveway as he waved hello. "Who made computers so damn heavy?!"

Zak laughed, taking one of the cases from him. "Nice to see you too."

"Oh yeah," Dream rolled his eyes sarcastically, "nice to see you, Skep."

Dragging the suitcases through the hallway, they slowly made their way upstairs. "Dream, this is Bad. Bad, this is Dream," Zak gestured vaguely between them, "we've taken that room, and this one's for Techno and a6d. Take your pick of the others." He plonked down on one of the nearby chairs to wait.

Dream wasn't bothered which room he had. Throwing open the nearest door, he unzipped his suitcase and tipped it upside down into the drawers. Shaking his head, Zak brought in the other case. He watched as Dream took out his setup equipment and did the same.

"Have you never heard of folding?!" Darryl leaned against the doorway, giggling as he looked at the tumble of clothes strewn all over the chest of drawers.

"Have you never heard of knocking?!" Dream retorted, slamming the door in his face. Zak glared at him, opening the door again and pulling Darryl into the room.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" Darryl grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I try my best," Dream winked, starting to reassemble his computer.

Darryl tensed, starting to argue back, but the doorbell rang again. Breathing out in relief, Zak pulled him downstairs out of the way.

As soon as they opened the door, Zelk and Spifey barged past, fighting their way up the stairs to get the biggest room, with their cases clunking behind them. Getting to the top first, Zelk quickly ran into the bigger of the two rooms left. He stuck his tongue out at Spifey, who was walking past defeatedly.

Before Darryl could shut the front door again, Dave's car rolled onto the driveway. He sighed, leaving the door ajar and wandering inside.

Vincent, who Dave had picked up from the airport that morning, got out of the passenger side and held his hand tight. Ever since they had met up, they had barely left each other alone. Smiling, Dave slid his arms around Vincent's waist and kissed him tenderly.

Responding eagerly, Vincent pressed their bodies tightly together. He wrapped his arms around Dave's neck, his breathing shallow. Their lips traced familiar patterns against each other, their tongues sneaking into each other's mouths.

"Get a room!"

Breaking apart, they looked around sheepishly. Dream laughed, sticking his tongue out and ducking back inside of his window.

Shrugging, Dave let go of Vincent and picked up both their cases, locking his car. He headed up the path, calling casually over his shoulder, "Maybe we should get a room."

Laughing, Vincent held open the door for him and bounded up the stairs. They chucked their cases into the corner of the room, locking their door. "So," he enticed, "just how soundproof is this room?"

"They won't hear a sound," Dave replied, grabbing him roughly. Their lips searched for each other hungrily.

Vincent's breathing was uneven, their breath mingling as they rested their foreheads together. He let his hands roam Dave's body, ripping his clothes off to rediscover every curve and dip of his skin.

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